Darius Supreme

Chapter 475 - 475

Medea managed to balance herself gracefully before landing due to how weak her Spiritual Senses were compared to the others. As the one with the lowest Luck, she was debilitated the least by the sudden spike. 

She glanced around her to notice that she had been targeted by hundreds of aerial machines, such as Guard Androids with thrusters, hovering eye-laser machines, and planes that were manned by AI with huge guns strapped to them. 

Medea quickly realized she was surrounded in all directions, with every path of escape cut off for her. Even worse, more and more were arriving by the second and adding to the blockade. 

Realizing that remaining passive would be the height of foolishness, Medea cried out and waved her hands around her, calling up greenish-tinted winds that formed a tornado surrounding her. 

All the aerial machines caught in its maelstrom were instantly shredded apart by the cutting winds mixed with Divine Energy, making the Demi-Goddess pause as she realized she might have overestimated these machines due to fear. 

She smirked with disdain at them, testing her theory by pointing at one machines, only to see its head cut off by the wind blade she had summoned. 

Laughing with amusement, Medea let out a bevy of wind blades in all directions, slicing anything and everything apart that dared to come near her.. 

In love with the effect of her power and no longer feeling the fear from being surrounded, she let loose on all the approaching machines and destroyed them before they could even form a second blockade. 

There were many times where Medea could have escaped on her own, especially to help the others, but she had decided to wait it out and wait for a chance to end Theseus using this battle as a smokescreen. 

As such, she moved about looking for him, but Medea\'s casual playtime was over the moment Miranda\'s subroutine reevaluated her and raised the Demi-Goddess\' danger rating, and started to re-allocate more troops to deal with her, switching to mostly ground ones. 

Medea tried to form a barrier around her made of wind that would prevent the lasers fired from the ground troops from affecting her, but ultimately suffered greatly as they eventually broke through her barrier and lanced through her body. 

Pale-faced, she shrieked in agony and forcefully blasted herself away from that spot, narrowly avoiding a great volley of shots that were meant to take her life. 

She could not understand why this reversal had happened, but soon came to terms with it when she saw the sheer amount that had been moved to her side. Medea gritted her teeth as she realized her folly, but regretting it was far too late at this time. 

Medea laughed bitterly. Regret and hindsight seemed to be the theme of her life, both when mortal and now as a Demi-God. She hadn\'t always been a bitter and malevolent witch… once, there had been more to her, especially during her youth. 

Medea was the daughter of King Aeëtes of Colchis, who was a son of the Sun God Helios, and Queen Idyia of Colchis, who herself was the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. 

  On her father\'s side, she was the descendant of a God of Olympus, yet on her mother\'s side, both her grandparents were Titans of the sea and winds, putting her lineage at odds. 

In fact, her mother had been wedded off to Aeëtes after the Titans had been defeated, but that was a story for another day. 

Medea had been a young maiden whose beauty had given provided poets of Colchis with endless material to sing about. 

What was the greatest weakness of a young maiden? Of course, a Hero! 

When Jason had arrived with his Argonauts at Colchis searching for the Golden Fleece, it was thanks to Medea\'s efforts in betraying her father by helping Jason that had led to the Hero succeeding his Divine Odyssey back then. 

Medea had completely fallen for Jason, and had even fled Colchis with him and his men after her father had found out what she had done. Unrepentant, she had been happy with this life of excitement at the side of Jason and they had even gotten married a few years later. 

Medea had given birth to a few sons for Jason and her life at that point had been one of happiness and fulfillment. 

Alas, Jason had eventually been granted a Divine Spark, becoming a Demi-God after succeeding his journey. With his fame at its peak, many women had begun to throw themselves at him, his options greatly widening. 

No longer feeling bound by human morality, he had happily abandoned Medea for the daughter of King Creon, who had been the ruler of Corinth, where he and Medea had moved to after being married. 

Just like the rumors about her, Princess Creusa had been a sensual beauty able to capture the hearts of all men, so it was no wonder the maidenly beauty of Medea lost out. 

This had pained Medea, but she had been so much in love with Jason that she would have accepted a harem if it had meant keeping him. 

It was what Jason did next that broke the camel\'s back. 

Creusa had not wanted to share the hero Jason with a nameless woman who had given up her heritage when she had run away and so she had convinced Jason to have Medea and his sons banished from Corinth henceforth. 

Jason, thinking with his lower head, had agreed and Medea was to be sent off later, her husband not even looking at her anymore. 

Well, what happened when intense love turned on its head? 

Abject hatred would come into play. 

This was the vent that had marked the change from the youthful maiden Medea changing into the vile witch which she was popularly known for nowadays, as people never cared about who the good one was before they became bad. 

Wanting revenge and her heart clouded by dark malice, Medea had invited the King of Corinth and his family to a banquet in order to thank them for their kindness to her and taking care of her former husband. 

The scorned woman had then used poison provided by the Witch Goddess Hecate who Medea had sworn her life to in exchange for power and killed the entire royal family. Before fleeing, she saw her sons with Jason clamoring for her love. 

Seeing his vile face in theirs, evil had taken over her mind and she had killed all her children with him to symbolize her cutting ties with him for good. 

Medea had then fled to Athens and married King Augeus who was - shockingly - the father of Theseus. She had a son with him named Medus who was the half-brother of Theseus. 

At this time, Theseus had become a Demi-God for many years and did not know of his heritage. After all, his own birth was a tale of its own, and only briefly crossed the story of Medea herself. 

She had noted that Theseus was a son of Augeus and older than her own son, would have the right to the throne. Medea had then suggested that Theseus kill the legendary God Beast Minotaur to prove that he was worthy of his title, a challenge Theseus had taken her up on. 

Coincidentally, this had led to the fellow\'s greatest recent achievement. 

Realizing that her plan to see him die by the hands of a third party had failed, Medea had used her tried and true method of poison to try and end him, but Augeus had realized that Theseus was his son at the last moment and saved him. 

After this, Augeus had banished Medea, unwilling to kill her because she was the mother of his other son, Medus. However, Theseus had not been so benevolent, after learning of Medea\'s twisted heart from her actions and her history with Jason. 

As such, the duo had intercepted her carriage and killed her in cold blood in order to nip a threat in the bud, which frankly had been a wise choice. 

It may seem brutal, but Medea herself had known what kind of evil and horrific revenge plots she had in mind after she had settled down. 

It was later that Aphrodite had revived her with a tiny Divine Spark since she hated seeing generational beauties turn to dust in the earth. 

So far, Medea had grown without support since she had been public enemies with Jason and Theseus, two notable Demi-Gods. 

Her Titan heritage would have likely accepted her... if they weren\'t sealed in Tartarus, whereas her God Lineage had disowned her, so she was barely middling along until now. 

Now, she was trapped in a battle where the enemies had surrounded her on all sides. Medea tasted blood in her mouth as many lasers tore through her fragile body which was weaker than most other Demi-Gods. 

Even Hercules had suffered under the blows of these lasers, much less her. Medea\'s mind was filled with panic, but not because she feared death, since she had died before. 

She would simply return to Hecate\'s side in hell and continue researching the depths of witchcraft with her master. Rather, her regret came from the fact that she would not get a chance to exact revenge on Theseus and Jason. 

Medea gritted her teeth and did everything she could to maintain her last spark of life, as she looked for a way to escape. Just when she managed to escape the blockade, she realized she had run out of Divine Energy and fell to the earth weakly. 

She tried to call for the Mystic Forces, but was knocked out by the Guard Androids and was carried away quickly. 

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