The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years

Chapter 465: The Direction (1)

After recovering his soul, Jamie was now a man worthy of talking to him.

‘So long, it truly has been so long. To kneel.’

There were quite a few of them a long time ago, but after he had reached the Absolute stage, he didn’t have any opponents, so no one could touch his body, let alone make him kneel.

Laughter escaped out of his mouth.

“Truly enjoyable.”

“I didn’t want you to get up.”

“Wouldn’t it be funny if I couldn’t get up just because of one kick?”

Ra wriggled his fingers and took a step closer to Jamie. Then Jamie moved Tae Heo.

There was this invisible collision between the two of them, and the entire world shook.

“Your order-seeking power and my power to destroy everything. What could be more superior?”

Ra’s entire body was dyed with an intense light. The first heaven was made of the hardest material to protect the pillar.

And that kind of thing began to melt.

If it weren’t for the protection that Tae Heo gave, Jamie would have also melted from the high temperature that went beyond common sense.

His existence alone gave off so much heat.

‘Like a new star is forming.’

It felt like a supernova was happening right in front of him.

Jamie summoned Balisada. Even this sword that was made from the Red Dragon’s heart would melt like ice in this flame.

He used Tae Heo in the form of an aura and wrapped it around the sword. At the same time, he was preparing to cast magic on his other hand.

“White. Fuse right away.”


White cried and came out.

[Tae Heo Convergence]

He felt Tae Heo’s and White’s powers merge.

With Balisada ahead, the blade changed again, and the cross guard formed into a pure white wing shape. At the same time, Ra’s light moved wildly.

The protective shield made of ruins collapsed at once from the tremendous impact. Without panicking, Jamie pulled back and unleashed the magic in front of him.

He used five types of defensive and reality distortion magic spells, twisting the space where he stood.

As a result, the high temperature emitting from Ra passed around Jamie and distorted the space.

‘Superior destructive power.’

Even after absorbing half of his remaining soul, Ra was far superior in terms of power.

It couldn’t be helped.

Tae Heo, the power Jamie had obtained, specialized in harmony rather than attacking, while Ra’s power specialized in destruction. Having an all-out war against this man was foolish.

‘The distortion is resolved.’

Putting the blade made of Tae Heo on the side, Jamie waited for the distortion to unwind.

When the distortion magic ended, high heat came rushing in as if it would gulp Jamie all at once.

Jamie swung the blade as if Taiji existed everywhere.

It would be difficult to block this massive flow of energy completely, but it was possible enough to let it flow if he used Tae Heo.

As the slash made by this great flame split the light, flames expanded and scattered some of the light created by Ra to the surroundings.

However, it was only for a moment.

If time passed again, Tae Heo would get swallowed.

Tae Heo wasn’t this all-powerful strength.

‘But I have the skills to make up for its shortcomings.’

Jamie’s form disappeared, and he hid his presence as he approached Ra.

The world they were in was dangerous, and it could collapse at any moment under this light.

Yet he didn’t panic because he had already expected it. It would be difficult for him to move properly now with such a wide-ranged attack.

So now was his chance to give Ra a proper attack.

‘I don’t have much time on my side.’

The world behind him was collapsing. In the meantime, he had to push his sword into Ra’s head to win.

[I see all of this.]

At that moment, Jamie felt his body being forced upwards, and he teleported to escape from there.


However, even in the teleported space, Jamie’s body was forced to move as if he were being dragged away.

It felt like a round spiral was sucking him in from elsewhere. Then he heard Ra’s voice.

[How is it? The real power of gravity? Not like the magic that you magicians use.]

‘Damn it. I can’t get out of this.’

Jamie tried to control the gravity with Tae Heo to escape, but the gravity just existed there, pulling everything in like Taiji.

Jamie, who judged it difficult to use now, decided to use numerous magic spells instead.

He didn’t have to destroy gravity with strong power. He cast all of his magic to where he felt the gravity rise.

[You want to counter it with force?]

Small lights shone in the air and exploded. They couldn’t withstand all of the magic spells, and the shockwave generated by the explosion just vanished.

Jamie frowned.

Apart from the nature of the universe, there were four abilities in the universe.

“I know how to handle every one of them.”

[This isn’t all of your power, right? If you don’t get away from here quickly, you will melt along with the world.]

Jamie clicked his tongue as he replaced Tae Heo with chaos.

He couldn’t control chaos as perfectly as Tae Heo, but in this situation, it felt right for him to use chaos.

Tae Heo’s blade was stained with the color of chaos. Falling to the center of gravity, Jamie thrust the blade into the center with all his might.

Chaos began to expand everywhere, and the black aura engulfed the world.

At the same time, the space was broken like glass, and Jamie returned to reality. But it was the worst reality.

[My power is infinite.]

The high-temperature light was still gulping down the heavens. Jamie blocked the light with a barrier of chaos and used Tae Heo to distract the light again.

Eventually, the situation was back to where it started.

‘Is there any way to destroy it?’

However, it couldn’t be invincible.

He just hadn’t found its weakness yet.

[Why? Are you just going to stay still?]

‘He talks too much.’

Jamie pondered.

If he stayed like this, he would die, and he didn’t plan on doing that.

It would be Ra who would die.

After thinking a bit more, Jamie nodded.

‘It’s worth a try.’

It was a little less of a plan to push Ra into the underworld, but it was to get rid of that light, and he just had to plan his next move.

Jamie touched the ground and concentrated mana into his palms.

In an instant, his entire body was filled with blue mana that spread through the land. Ra, who was giving out light, tilted his head as he felt the flow of mana.

‘What is he up to?’

In this situation, attacks with mana were meaningless. Because it was just a force that would work on mortals.

If it weren’t for the magic that he was using at the same time, it couldn’t harm anyone.

But at that moment, Ra felt his power sink to the floor.

“It works?”

He only realized what Jamie was planning then.


A large amount of mana evaporated from the land, and at the same time, the light that filled the place was slowly vanishing.

Ra looked at this scene.

“I got hit for once.”

He didn’t think that the entire space would be warped.

It was truly unexpected.

“As expected from the strongest magician in history.”


Jamie, who moved behind Ra, swung his blade toward his neck.

“Why are you talking so much?!!”

Ra shook his head slightly. It was too late to avoid it. No, Ra had no intention of avoiding it.


Jamie gritted his teeth and watched his hands tremble. The blade didn’t move forward.

He tried to push it, but the more he tried, the more his body got pushed back. He could feel this strong resistance blocking the path.

‘Is it gravity again?’

No. This was something else.

This was electricity.

And that wasn’t all.

Turning around, Ra grabbed the blade with two fingers.

“Such an intrusive sword.”

He felt this huge energy form at the tip of his two fingers, and the blade broke down, making Jamie frown.

He didn’t think the sword that was made from the great fusion and his plan would break like this.

“I expected a little because it is Tae Heo, but Taiji, which Bokhee discovered, is quite different even now. The final form of power that you developed is quite futile.”


“Why are you not talking? In that state, you can’t even brush my collar, nor can you even reach me.”


The powers Ra wielded were controlling his movements, and there was a good chance everything would end if he were used like a puppet.

Jamie calmed the breathing in his body.

“Sure. This can’t continue.”

Ra looked expectantly at Jamie’s words.

“I cannot cross over at this rate. I need to be a little stronger. I need to handle the power more.”

Through Venna, Osiris sent him advice.

‘Do not differentiate between things. There is no need to differentiate, so accept them all wholly.’

Jamie smiled, and Ra noticed how his eyes changed.

“Do not let me down.”

“I kept telling you several times before.”

Everything vanished from Jamie’s body as if the flames were extinguished. His actions were incomprehensible.

Why did he stop the energy?

Jamie said,

“You speak too much. You.”

At that, Ra’s body got pushed back, and Ra looked at Jamie with a confused face.

While laughing at the absurdity, he said,

“You took control?”

The broken blade rose on its own and returned to its original shape as the broken part was reattached.

He was undoing what Ra had done. Tae Heo was one of the essences of everything. It was harmony.

And having it under his control meant being able to intervene in everything in the world. It was one of the four strengths that made up the universe.

Jamie made sure the blade was fully attached and said to Ra,

“I thought I knew it well, but I guess I wasn’t so perfect yet. But now, it is a lot better than before.”

Jamie approached Ra.

“You can’t just go around and do anything you want from now on.”


At that, Ra sighed with a smile on his face and pulled a spear from the air.

“I didn’t think you would push me like this.”

If he didn’t use the four strengths, Jamie couldn’t use Tae Heo either. So now they had to fight with their pure strength alone.

Ra felt awkward as he held the spear after such a long time. In the past, there was never a day he didn’t wield it, but once he touched the Absolute level, he never took it out.

However, he wasn’t worried about how to handle it.

“Do you know?”

As he turned the spear in a graceful manner, he said,

“I have no memory of losing to anyone with this spear.”

Shiva, Odin, and Zeus.

All the mighty Gods were second to none. Everyone knelt in front of him. After Jamie heard that, he said,

“Then you will be defeated for the first time today.”

“I hope so.”

Then Jamie and Ra rushed at each other without another word.

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