I'm a Walking Disaster With My Unwanted Virginity

Chapter 107 - I Brought This On Myself

"Mr. Helio Romswell Jintel, if you\'d taken her, I wouldn\'t have acted, but you had the galls to offer your protection to those two." There was a lot of finger-pointing. 

Apparently, the bunny\'s mother, bunny senior was just outside the elevator on the ground floor. I guess she had a faster way down and a way to eavesdrop on our conversation too. Should have been obvious I guess. 

\'Well, should have seen this coming.\'

But I sure hadn\'t. 

I sighed. "Look, I\'ve had a long day, I wanna go home and lie down. Do you mind moving?" I mean, it couldn\'t hurt to ask nicely. 

She had some of her goons with her. They were guards rather than goons though. 

"You may leave but she cannot!" Again, she was pointing way too much. 

It was surprising at first, a bit troublesome in the middle, and now just plain irritating. 

"So you\'re saying I\'ll have to break her out of here? Well, since this is just a single island I don\'t see why you\'re so upset with your daughter leaving and seeing more of the island."

"You know nothing! They\'ve brainwashed you! Those two are in love and they set all of this up!"

The moment she said that all four of them behind me had nervous looks with sweat. 

"Yeah, I already figured that much out, even I\'m not that dumb." After all, Johnathan knew I didn\'t want to get involved in that girl, and yet he kept on insisting. He knew I\'d eventually give up on her, and he\'d take that place. He was aiming far into the future, but at the end of the day, he wasn\'t as smart as he thought he was. 

Now even Johnathan was shocked. Unfortunately for him, I\'d already caught on to his act a while ago. I just pretended to go along. 

"Then why!" The boss lady was just as confused as the people behind me.

This whole thing drew in quite the crowd too. I guess there were these kinds of people no matter where you go. 

"It\'s because your daughter wants this. And as a responsible mother, you should let her experiment. If she comes back crying to you, you win and if she\'s happy, both of you win."

It was pure blasphemy coming out from my mouth though since my mother wouldn\'t let me do half of the things I wanted to. 

"That\'s not for you to say! Get them!"

The guards were coming for us. 

"I really wanted to go home though." I tried grabbing my sword. Oh boy, my fingers hurt. \'You\'re up buddy.\'

But before I could even touch the sword, my saber started to vibrate. \'What the hell!\' It was as if it had a mind of its own. 

I pulled out the saber and it formed a natural trident. \'But why three prongs?\'

"Stop daydreaming!" One of the guards shouted and attacked me. Obviously, I dodged. 

If the guy really wanted to attack me, he should have just kept his mouth shut. 

The three prongs turned to one and became a seamless spear. "Okay, that\'s more like it." I grabbed the spear tight and disarmed the guards with ease, trapping them in barriers. Now I could form stronger and more barriers. \'This damn thing really is amazing!\'

And the saber was responding to my wishes like crazy. 

"What is this?" The guards couldn\'t believe reality, and honestly, I couldn\'t either. 

The saber vibrated in response. \'What the hell!\' There was nothing more. I was awfully confused for a second but I was snapped back to reality as the boss bunny finally shot a stream of black lightning my way. I guess electricity ran in the family. 

But now that I could form multiple barriers with ease, I didn\'t really worry about these things all that much. With the lightning blocked, I proceeded to speed up and hold my spear at her neck: my hands felt a bit numb though. Having a spear was great: I could maintain distance, stay safe and attack with accuracy. But what was that vibration?

I wanted to head back and have a talk with the old man about this, but I didn\'t have that kind of luxury anymore. 

I didn\'t remember ever using one and yet, it felt like I\'d been using spears forever. I felt the same way with the scythe. It was almost as if I was always wielding a sword rather than anything else. But I didn\'t have time to dwindle on such things 

"I\'d give up now if I were you. Besides, if you feel lonely just visit her every once in a while." Even I was confused as to what I was doing. Did Johnathan and the bunny really love each other? Were they really capable of living together?

I did have tons of questions but I decided to put them on hold for the time being. After all, those two had already decided this a while ago. I understood it just from their gazes. 

The boss bunny clicked her tongue and didn\'t say a word. 

"I\'ll take your silence as a yes." I looked back. "Let\'s go."

The three of us started leaving. The old couple waved us bye while the boss lady just stood there, not a word. 

Some from the crowd clapped while some cursed. The reception was totally mixed and I had no idea what to feel about this. 

"Sure, you don\'t want to say goodbye?" I gave a glance at the girl. 

"It\'s fine."

"And you sure your parents won\'t skewer you?"

"We\'ll cross the bridge when we get there." Johnathan let out a nervous chuckle. There was sweat all over his face. 

I might have created way more hassle than I could have ever imagined. 

"Anyway, we\'re going through the snowy plains. Let\'s go." Now that I thought about it, I was still wearing three shirts. \'No wonder it felt like hell.\'

"Wha? But it\'s cold there." The bunny girl grabbed her sleeves, rather her arms. Now that I looked carefully, she was actually sleeveless. 

"Well, too bad. Have your boyfriend give you a hug while you two cuddle your way through or something."

Both of them became a bit bashful. 

\'That was sarcasm, you morons!\'

I sighed. I really brought this on myself. 


It took exactly half an hour to reach the academy. Once there, the two loVeineirds left on their own. They did thank me explicitly though. 

But honestly, I might have created more trouble for me in the long run. 


It was already evening and I\'d forgotten to buy juice. So a trip to the mart was a must. But with these hands, carrying was anything but pleasant. 

Time moved on and before I knew it, I was back at the dorm and on the comfortable bed, which wasn\'t as comfortable as I remembered it to be. Actually, it might have even been rather uncomfortable. 

Merin wasn\'t in here, and I was tired. 

So I locked the door and fell asleep. 


A string of faint laugher.

Some hisses here and there.

The sound, strangely familiar, and also strangely feminine….

My eyes were sealed tight and I couldn\'t open them. 

So sleepy. 


"DUDE! Open the damn door already. It\'s been ten minutes! How long does it take for you to finish up?"

I groaned and grabbed my head. Someone was yelling something and knocking on the door. 

It was probably Merin and the door was still locked. 

My body felt a bit weird but eventually, I picked myself up. I fumbled towards the door and opened it. 

It was Merin. "DUDE! What were-" He stopped. "Were you sleeping?"

"Yeah? What else did you think I was doing?" Talking was such a chore. 

"Well, you were dumped and all, so I thought…" He tried to chuckle. "Anyway, what happened to your hands?"

"First of all, I wasn\'t dumped. We never went out to being with. And second, don\'t change the subject!" I shouldn\'t have yelled. My throbbing headache became more of a pain. 

I groaned and just lied down on my bed again. 

"Seriously, you okay?"

"I\'m okay." Probably. 

"Well, if you say so." Merin was in a good mood. 

"Something good happen?"

"Yeah, I went on a date!" His voice took a high note and if my ears did me justice I\'d say that sounded awfully like a shriek coming straight out of a goat\'s throat. Unfortunately, he wasn\'t a goat.

"Good for you." I rolled on the bed. "What time is it?"

"Nine thirty. You ate?"

"No, haven\'t yet."

"Well, you should. Judging by those bandages I\'d say stuff happened?"

"Yeah, kind of got burned by plasma."

Merin snorted. "This is what you get for not using gloves."

"Actually, I was using gloves but the gloves kind of got burned first and by the time I stopped the reaction, my skin got burned too." I didn\'t feel like talking but my mouth moved flawlessly. 

"Really? Were you using some cheap ones?"

"Kind of, yeah."

Merin sighed. "Don\'t cheap out on such things. Anyway, did you sell your core yet?"

"OH yeah, I forgot I wanted to sell one piece." And I had to repay Merin back too. 

Life really was a drag. My head hurt and I was broke too. 

"Well, lucky you, I found a buyer and he told me, he\'d pay five gold." Merin pumped his chest high and sat tight on his bed. 

"Five? Seriously? But you said-"

"Well, let\'s just say, I might have exaggerated the rarity a little." Merin winked. 

"Don\'t blame me, if he thinks you lied and comes after you."

He flashed me a thumbs up. "When that happens, I\'ll just say you set me up."

I really wanted to punch this guy now. Shame, I didn\'t have enough strength. 

But I guess he really was doing this for me. "So, who\'s the buyer?"

"Some freshman. Cloud Angel something."

"Clyde Angelmen?"

"Yeah, yeah, that one!"

\'Him again?\'

This just got a lot more complicated than scamming some amateur. "You do realize that guy scored higher than me during the test on day one, right?"

"Wait, what?" Merin looked dumbfounded. 

I grinned. "Well, we\'re kind of friends. So I think he\'ll believe me more than you." I grinned harder and stood up. 

"You can\'t be serious." He didn\'t believe it. He thought I was just joking.

Unfortunately, I was serious. I didn\'t like the idea of being friends with that guy though. 

I didn\'t feel like eating anything so brought out some orange juice and drank a glass. "I\'d start praying now if I were you." 

But if it were me, I\'d probably pray for the other guy who\'d attack me. 

Wait, why?

I was still getting those weird thoughts again. And what was that hissing sound? 

My head still throbbed, so I couldn\'t really think straight. 

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