I'm a Walking Disaster With My Unwanted Virginity

Chapter 235 - This Is How You Do It!

The shadow had been waiting for this very moment. 

He knew getting in control of the body was tough and though the first seal was broken, unless the other two were also broken, he couldn\'t really take full control. And even if the other seals were broken, there was a chance the virus was too powerful and it\'d kill the host body, meaning they\'d all die. So, he couldn\'t risk that.

However, now that he was in full control and Helio was unconscious, this was the perfect opportunity to kill Hyora, make sure Helio trusted him, and strike precisely at a moment when he least expects it. 

So- he grinned- he grinned so much that his cheeks formed slight tears. Enira was already back up on her feet and she was healing him, so he didn\'t have to worry about wounds at the very least. 

He was also in close range to Hyora so- So, he dropped the sword and grabbed Hyora almost like a lover grabbing his partner on a dancefloor. 

"Oh? You\'re still not giving up?" Hyora smiled. Her luscious bare body was in his hands. She could easily kill him with just a touch, so she let him have his way for a moment.

"I\'m a sore loser, you see." Helio\'s veins bulged and he let out steam as his body burned. He gently traced his fingers over Hyora\'s face. 

"Having second thoughts? I could settle for you too. And maybe, I can make sure, you\'re always in control…" Hyora whispered. 

But a second later- her face turned to dust and she backtracked immediately. 

Helio\'s hand was slowly growing back and his powers were returning rapidly. His grin was widening even more and he was getting impatient. "Sorry but, as he said, we\'re not interested in whores like you." He let out a chuckle ominous enough that it\'d put Excrucio\'s laugh to shame. 

Hyora clicked her tongue as her face regrew. "Such a shame." She raised her arms and started to focus. She was about to release a massive invisible blade attack- the same attack that\'d put nicks and cuts all over Helio\'s body. But this one was different. Instead of just attacking Helio she was going to attack everyone here: and this was a far more powerful attack. No one was going to be safe from this- not even the Battlesuins. 

As long as she survived, she could just make another family. 

That\'s how she\'d been living till now. She even had to use her trump card \'rebirth\' special ability to survive. She couldn\'t afford a miss here, or she\'d be dead for good this time. Her regeneration was the best in the planet\'s history but that too had its limits. And she couldn\'t use her rebirth skill for a while- so, so despite her appearance, she was desperate. 

But Helio- he didn\'t let her make much distance, he closed in on her in an instant and kissed her. 

It was still the shadow controlling Helio\'s body and for a second even Hyora was surprised. 

Helio wasn\'t just kissing her- he was sucking the life out of her and he was also fondling her- and making her body turn to dust. It was almost a contradiction of sorts.

Hyora wasn\'t clothed at all, so Helio could easily disintegrate her body.  Hyora was both dying and getting what she wanted at the same time but- but she chose life over pleasure and kicked Helio back. 

During her prime Hyora Battlesuin was in love with Julio, Helio\'s grandfather. They were friends even. Hyora was from the present while Julio was from the future but both were involved in saving the earth.

Hyora had feelings for the man but it was almost impossible to confess, after all, she always treated him like a brat and their relationship was that of a cat and a mouse. but at the end of the day, they were definitely friends. 

But Julio never saw their relationship as anything more than just friends and though Hyora at the time was content with it, when Helio\'s grandmother came into play, it was almost impossible to conceal her feelings. 

Hyora had lived a very long and boring life. She\'d always been alone and she\'d always seen her loved ones die. Love was but a fickle thing and it had no meaning to her until she met that man- Julio. 

She fell in love and she fell in love hard. She wanted him, she yearned for his nectar and she dreamed about him every night.

She even proposed to him but Julio turned her down. Sadness turned to hate and eventually she was out for blood- she\'d almost killed Helio\'s grandmother and in turn enraged Julio and the whole thing about their family\'s \'at each other\'s throat\' history began.

Lust was a powerful thing.

Hyora breathed hard. Her body wasn\'t regenerating like before- her limit was near. "You really play dirty."

"Well, we\'re villains." Incidentally, Helio had fallen right next to his grandfather\'s sword. He picked it up and dashed. 

Hyora had her wings out and lifted herself up. "I think that\'s enough for today." She was out of breath and she could barely maintain flight but she was definitely going to getaway. 

She knew she couldn\'t win this anymore- so she had to at least survive. She could always get her revenge another day.

"Do it now, woman!" Helio ordered, staring at Marg. 

Marg nodded and focused. 

Helio, next looked at Enira and she nodded. 

Enira lifted her hands up in the air and grabbed the air. 

Hyora froze mid-air. The small purple wound on her forehead grew significantly and almost immediately paralyzed her. 

"You damn snake!" She screamed. 

"Leon says hi." Enira gave a toothy grin. "And so do the rest of us you killed," She hissed.

Hyora struggled but- "If you kill me, he dies!" 

Helio smiled. "Well, good thing I\'m not deciding that then." He grinned. "My work here is done."

And Helio fell on the floor- or he would have if his mother hadn\'t caught him.

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