The Human Giant

Chapter 196 196: Breaking Through The Bottleneck

With Yoze locked on him, Immortal Welse felt an increasing headache as he was at a loss for what he could do. He was rapidly using up his crystal energy, and he couldn\'t get any more distance away from Yoze.

With his information processing speed reduced, Immortal Welse knew that he couldn\'t transform into any creature that would give him the boost needed to escape. As for the animals that he could transform into, they were not strong enough or fast enough to deal with someone like Yoze.

Not only that, after creating the black fog, Immortal Welse also needed to maintain it by spending even more of his crystal energy while also having to start within the confines of the black fog. However, the restriction of having to remain in the confines of the black fog usually wasn\'t a problem since the hindered senses of his opponents usually took a few minutes to recover fully.

But Immortal Welse didn\'t know how long it would take Yoze to recover his senses and suspected that if he didn\'t do his best effort to escape when he stopped sending crystal energy to black fog, he would die very quickly. This predicament of needing to escape soon due to his dwindling crystal energy and the lack of opportunity and ability to do so made Immortal Welse realize that he wouldn\'t survive this encounter.

Meanwhile, as his opponent lost hope, Yoze was peacefully training his Mindless Legs movement technique. Even though his senses were hindered to the point that he was blind, deaf, and couldn\'t smell or feel anything, Yoze was able to keep a positive attitude.

He had already realized that even without the help of his physical senses, he could rely on his powerful spiritual sensing ability to keep a lock on Immortal Welse\'s location. And this allowed Mindless Legs to use that bit of information to better move in the environment.

At first, Yoze truly couldn\'t sense his surroundings at all and felt like he was in a black void in space. He couldn\'t even sense the tiny sliver of spiritual energy that Immortal Welse had left.

He was truly completely blind in all senses forcing him to rely on his own instincts and the enhanced instincts of Mindless Legs. Even when handicapped to this level, Yoze was pleasantly surprised with how accurate and strong the instincts that he had developed with a level 6 Mindless Legs.

He had not gotten injured in the slightest throughout this entire period and instead, he was able to relax his mind and focus on breaking through the black fog blocking his senses. It was during one of his attempts at trying to sense his environment that Yoze suddenly smelled a pleasant scent of peaches mixed with oranges.

Knowing that this wasn\'t his physical smell, Yoze was able to figure out that even though it was faint he could smell Immoral Welse\'s spiritual energy. Not letting this opportunity go, Yoze tried his best to figure out the direction of the smell and the distance between him and Immortal Welse\'s spiritual energy.

To help his search Yoze made sure to completely devour the last remaining spiritual energy on the crystal sword to reduce the odds that he mistakes the scent coming from Immortal Welse for the crystal sword in his hands. As time passed, with his constant focus, he was able to lock onto the tiny sliver of orange spiritual energy that belonged to Immortal Welse.

The range spiritual energy did everything it could to try to escape, whether it was zig-zagging, flying dozens of feet in the air, or attempting to bury itself deep underground.

Unfortunately, for immortal Welse, once Yoze had locked onto spiritual energy, Yoze\'s Mindless Legs placed most of their energy on maintaining a safe distance from it. Even with the reduction in the information that he was able to collect, Yoze\'s Mindless Legs had already made Immortal Welse\'s spiritual energy the central point to base its movements.

With Immortal Welse as the center of its world, Yoze\'s Mindless Legs quickly divided everything into dangerous and safe territory. From everything that Yoze experienced, not only was the safe area small, but it frequently changed depending on what dangers Mindless Legs sensed.

With the unique situation that he was in and with his connection with the giant serpent, Yoze could feel that his progress in Mindless Legs was improving again. Since Yoze no longer worried that Immortal Welse would escape, he focused most of his attention on incorporating more of the giant serpent\'s movements and instincts into Mindless Legs.

With his talents and excellent training grounds was able to make quick progress in Mindless Legs, being able to increase it by five percent in a short period of time. From his bottleneck of reaching 30 percent of stage 6 Mindless Legs Yoze had reached 35 percent and was still improving.

With an excellent training environment being created for him, Yoze didn\'t want to end the battle as soon as possible any longer, even though he had a way to end the fight in one move. After Yoze had locked on to Immortal Welse\'s spiritual energy using his spiritual senses, Yoze could have sent his spiritual energies to Immortal Welse without having to worry about missing or having it trapped any longer.

Yoze only needed to suppress Immortal Welse spiritually to end this battle. Since Immortal Welse had given up on most of his spiritual energy when he disconnected from the rest of the crystal sword, he was even more vulnerable to spiritual energy suppression or attacks. However, doing so would ruin the excellent training environment created for him.

So Yoze only placed enough attention on Immortal Welse to guarantee that he wouldn\'t escape from him and focused the rest of his attention on improving Mindless Legs. After putting his attention on training paired with his reduced senses, time quickly passed by for Yoze.

Only when he noticed that the black fog surrounding him was rapidly disintegrating, allowing him to regain his sight and other senses, did he place the majority of his focus back on Immortal Welse. When he turned his attention back to Immortal Welse, Yoze was surprised to see that the crystal hilt was on the ground.

The beautiful crystal clear color on the hilt had darkened and no longer gave Yoze a powerful feeling compared to when he first met Immortal Welse. After collecting all of the information inside the Immortal Tattoo manual, Yoze no longer wanted to deal with the struggle of dealing with an immortal.

So he sent just a bit of his Serpent Demon\'s emerald spiritual energy to finish devouring the last sliver of spiritual energy that Immortal Welse had. The moment Immorral Welse senses that something was interacting with his spiritual energy, he shook with fear but could do nothing to stop it.

He had already used the last drop of his crystal energy to maintain the black fog and his unfruitful attacks on the hope of living just a bit longer. Immortal Welse couldn\'t keep his body afloat in the air any longer, only being able to crash on the soft forest ground waiting for his fate.

Now that his fate had arrived, Immortal Welse wasn\'t able to resist and had the last sliver of his spiritual energy devoured by the Serpent Demon\'s spiritual energy. After confirming that Immortal Welse was genuinely dead and hadn\'t secretly split his spiritual energy further, Yoze grabbed the crystal hilt on the ground and wiped off the dirt on its surface. 

"Do the two pieces want to connect?" 

Feeling a slight tug in his hands coming from the two pieces of the crystal sword, Yoze realized that even though Immortal Welse\'s true body had spiritually become a vegetable weapon, the two pieces still had a strong instinct to reconnect and become whole again. Interested in how the two pieces of the crystal sword would react when he placed them back together again, Yoze reconnected the two pieces together.

"So Immortal Welse\'s crystal sword still has a strong regenerative ability even after dying spiritually and even being purposely disconnected." 

Yoze watched as the two pieces of the crystal sword slowly but visibly reconnected. It only took the two pieces an hour for them to completely reconnect as if they were never disconnected in the first place. After witnessing that even an immortal\'s crystal brain, crystal skull, and crystal spine have strong regenerative abilities he wondered how normal immortals were supposed to kill each other.

"Even if someone destroys an immortal\'s physical body and shatters the immortal\'s crystal brain, crystal skull, and crystal spine into a million shards there is still a chance that the immortal would be able to recover after some time."

"Of course, if the shards were small enough and were in tens of millions of pieces the chances that an immortal would survive would be close to zero." 

After witnessing the power of a random immortal he had happened to encounter and how strong their regenerative ability was alongside their extra defense against spiritual attacks. Yoze finally understood why Immortals and demons were placed in the same tier. 

Simply because both demons and immortals would become any person\'s nightmares unless they were killed a thousand times and had been confirmed dead a thousand times. If even a single pound of flesh or a few shards of crystal brain remained both demons and immortals could revive and become nightmares for their enemies.

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