I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 38 38. Act Of Treason?

His face was angular, perfectly carved, with Thin red slender lips, a long straight nose, and Long dark shoulder-length hair flowing in the air. There was some kind of warm comfortable atmosphere all around him.

But when she saw his eyes, She was startled, Her body felt cold all over it. Those eyes as if contained infinite ice, Sharp icy cold with undisguised killing intent. Although, That intent was not targeted at her, She still felt fear from the bottom of her heart. It was an inherent fear of mortals, A fear of death.

This was a warning mechanism of the body to indicate to stay away from it, Don\'t provoke or you might die.

When she saw the front of the man, She was shocked, even more, He at this time held back the large Bhima at arm\'s length with one hand.

The mighty Bhima in her eyes was helpless in front of this man, No matter how much Bhima struggled, He couldn\'t able to escape the grip of his hands on his head, In desperation he even started swinging his fists wildly but not a single one able to hit the target because of the distance.

Those fingers are like iron clutches, holding Bhima in a place without giving him a chance to move an inch.



Karna didn\'t waste time on talking, Lifted his other and threw a fit straight in Bhima\'s face. 

The last thing Bhima saw was that carousel first moving towards him, Then black, and his body sent flying. It was only stopped after breaking a few trees, This was a result of him holding back if not the life and death of Bhima as long be decided.

"I am not done with you."

Icy cold words spoken by him, People didn\'t know it was because of fear or that infinite killing intent but the temperature of the surrounding dropped significantly.

Karna walked straight toward Bhima, Even though Bhima was knocked unconscious by him but the fire in his heart had not calmed down yet.

He was in search of Gandhari and decided to come here and just as he stepped into the Garden, He saw the scene of Bhima running towards the Sushala, While the trio of brothers ran towards her desperately. 

He didn\'t get time to judge the situation but seeing this as an unknown fire ignited. The wounded appearance of the trio kept appearing in front of him. 

Only one person was slightly injured, While the other two needed immediate medical attention. After all, one\'s fingers were broken, While another\'s fists were bleeding (He misunderstood the blood of Bhima Suyodhana bleeding).

A hatred out of nowhere comes into his heart, And when the heart-wrenching cry for help is uttered by the trio, His body moves on its own. 

Before he comes back to his senses, He already sent Bhima flying with a punch but even after coming back to his senses, the anger in his heart has not cooled down. So he decided to beat Bhima a little more.

Anyway, Bhima has a special physique. He can take a few more punches from him.


But as Karna moved forward  A very powerful aura locked on him, warning him not to move forward.

But who is Karna? How can this little threat stop him? It just provoked him even more. After all no matter what there is Suryavanshi (House of Sun) blood running through his veins. 

Provoking Suryavanshi is like playing with fire as these people don\'t know what fear is, Once provoked they will never sit until they exact their revenge, Locking aura on Suryvanshi is considered Taboo in this Aryavart.

So Karna moved forward ignoring the warning but his body was on full alert, prepared for any sneak attack.

As he took 2 steps, The wind blew behind him and to his horror, He felt the existence of someone standing right behind him. 

He even with his enhanced senses wasn\'t able to detect when he was standing behind him. Even not for that person purposefully revealing his breath, He really wasn\'t able to detect his existence at all.

Feeling a threat, the power of the Sovereign constitution provoked them to the extreme, He turned back at lightning speed and punched with all of his might, He didn\'t hold back an ounce of his strength.

His blood was boiling violently, and His star-child bloodline was excited. There was no fear in his heart but the excitement of facing the strong.



Seeing his action man was startled, He might have never guessed that other than being a scared boy in front of him daring to attack but he as a battle-tempered warrior adapted to the situation very quickly. 

He used his palm to catch the fist thrown by Karna. As both of their hands touched, all the energy of his punch vanished if not for that palm moving backward for a few millimeters. It felt like that punch didn\'t contain any power at all. 

Seeing the situation Karna had a disappointed look. He thought he was at least able to move this palm a few centimeters back but it felt like that palm was an iron wall, Didn\'t allow his fist to move forward at all.

"I am too weak."

He muttered looking at his fist disappointedly. 

"Who are you?"

The man asked in a neutral voice but a storm already set off in his heart. He was just now taking a stroll in the garden when he sensed a very strong killing intent coming from this direction, So he hurriedly came here.

What he saw was that it was just a little boy who beat Bhima. Seeing he still wanted to attack Bhima, He directly locked his fierce aura on him, Thinking it would stop the boy but to his surprise not only did it fail to stop him but it provoked him even more. So he had to come in person.

But as he revealed his presence, Boy turned around and punched at him. He didn\'t take it seriously and just casually wanted to stop that punch but to his utter surprise the power behind that fist can\'t be stopped by his physical power alone.

Just now if he didn\'t use his spiritual power to block the fist, He definitely should have failed to stop it.I think you should take a look at

He was the number one master of this kingdom but failed to stop a punch from a little kid. He never thought this thing could ever happen but now it has already happened.

Then he heard those words, Which made him dumbfounded.

Looking at his age, He should be no older than 7 years old, And even then he holds the strength to force him to use spiritual power.

You know on his level, Just his physical power is enough to crush the whole mountain into pieces. Still that much strength is able to stop that fist.

He looked at his palm, There is still a numbing feeling of that impact. He was in disbelief, A long-lost feeling of numbing experienced by him again.

Although he was not careful and his best power base was still there, He couldn\'t be harmed by a kid\'s punch but he did. Even if it\'s just a numbing, Considering it was just a child\'s punch it was an exceptional feat.

He looked in front of him and was startled by his beauty and temperament. He saw someone like this enchanting m, Which is a big word considering he even met with those gods.


This is the only conclusion he can come up with. After all, no normal child can hurt him. So he vigilantly asked. If it\'s not necessary, He didn\'t want to provoke an Avatar. As each Avatar of a god was blessed with some divine powers.

\'Huh!? Isn\'t this my supposed big brother?\'

Karna finally suppresses the fire and disappointment in his heart. When he looked up he saw a man in front of him.

He had a strong physique, A muscular build with well-carved muscles, and a long neck-length black and white beard. Between his eyebrow was the essence of divinity, confirming his identity as a Demi-god. He was formerly known as Devratha, Who later received the name Bhishma, A son of a Ganga and the strongest warrior in the current period.

Karna recognized him at glance, even if he saw him. He did hear lots of legends about him. 

He wanted to see this legendary warrior but sadly Bhishma was either on the battlefield or in his chamber all of the time, So he was never able to see him.

"You didn\'t answer my question."

The thought chain of Karna was broken by the words of Bhishma. 

"I am Radhey Karna, A son of Radha and Charioteer of King Adiratha\'s Son."

Karna held his head high and proudly and announced his identity, He didn\'t have to announce the identity of his as a future king of Anga as Bhishma should already know, After all, he is crowned causing a lot of dissatisfaction among royals. 

"So you are famous, Karna."

Bhisham quickly identified him, Karna was quite famous in the kingdom, and among the royals too for different reasons.

The Royals didn\'t like him as a low-born title as a king but they are helpless. Royal decree is already passed, So they have to shut their mouths as the royal decree can\'t be revoked.

"So should be an ally of the Hustinapur, Then why are you beating the royal prince? Are you trying to rebel? Or is this treason?"

Bhishma raised his voice and asked in a stern tone, No matter what hurting the prince for no reason is a crime, Which can be given death plenty.

"N-No, Gran-Grandfather he didn\'t do anything, It-It w-was big brother Bhima, W-Who attacked us."

Before Karna could answer, Sushala in a fearful stammering voice answered. She is really afraid of these elders, Who are always partial to them. 

Although Bhishma didn\'t show it on his face and didn\'t do anything partial to them yet she can see it in his eyes. Those eyes contain the same look as other elders.

"That may be his crime but it was a matter between princes and princesses. How can an outsider interfere?"

Bhisham didn\'t think he said anything wrong. In his mind, he was impartial but his action most of the time consciously or unconsciously always favored the Pandavas.

Like right now, It looks like a fair question but if you dissected these words, You will find out that these words were in favor of Bhima. Trying to put focus on Karna and Bhima in this matter. 

A classic case of distraction strategy, This way people will take Bhima\'s crime lightly and put all the blame on Karna.

Hearing this question, the corner of Karna\'s lip rose. How can this petty trick work on him who is from Kalyuga? He had seen way worse things than people at this time can even imagine.

"Huh!? O\' Great Mahamahim Bhisma, Are you slandering me? Everyone knows how loyal and grateful I\'m to king Dhritarashtra and queen Gandhari."

Karna spoke this sentence very hurriedly but he was sneering in his heart. He felt quite funny that  Bhishama thought that he could trap him using this simple trick.

"It was this prince and son of the late king pandu, Who attacked me, A loyal servant of the king and queen. This is the reason he attacked me. I think Bhima trying to sow discord among the allies of the king, So I demand justice for it in the royal court. "

Karna said these words very righteously without leaving any open end for the debate.

Hearing he says tha Bhishma\'s face turned white, While others were stupefied.

(A/N : To be honest, I don\'t have any excuse for the late update other than a little net problem and headache, I apologize for the delay 

Like always thanks for reading and have a good day .)

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