My Enchanting System

Chapter 446 Number 369

Mary exited the room with a worried face, the information she got from that dragon was worrying.

“Number 16: killed by the black. Number 25: Died of a disease picked from rats. Number 52: killed by bandits. Number 72: killed by a Cubus. Number 145: Died in operation…” Mary sat on a barrel to gather her thoughts, no matter how she thought about it. This time was a dud, she didn’t prepare enough.

‘How does he expect me to fix this without killing the thing directly? Not even Chad could stand up to that thing’ Mary started going through her thoughts, I should go, even if there is no hope.

She started running toward the walls, her best Chance is to warn them under the excuse of a woman’s hunch.

‘Number 369: Killed by a Great Red’ if it came to that then it’s another ‘Restart’ She thought.

“We’re taking them down, shoot!” A soldier roared as the ballista bolt penetrated a dragon’s chest.

ROAR! As the black dragon fell from the sky, the soldiers on the wall rushed to charge more and shot at him. They could finally feel that they can fight, whatever that woman did she was right.

“See! I told you to listen to her, we don’t know nor have a shred of her skill!” The marine soldier poked the guard he punched earlier on the side.

“I don’t if it’s a skill, those are clearly not our tips. Where did she get them?” The guard asked looking at the bolts.

“She is with the white mage, probably he made them. And look there…” The marine soldier pointed at Sofia and Selena bulling the ancient white dragon.

“All who came with him are way above what we understand, she looks younger than my daughter yet I can’t imagine the whole fleet facing her.” He said menacingly.

Swoosh, Sofia flew toward the white dragon using [Burning feet] her wings were merely used to control her direction.

The dragon roared and rushed ahead with blood splattering from its severed wings.

Quickly dodging to the side, she twisted her body in mid-air [Fire Strike] she send an exploding kick at the dragon’s lower jaw.

CRRRICH! Selena, in her jaguar form, grabbed into the dragon’s hind legs with her jaw and front claws. Using all of her strength she started pulling him back.

ROAR! The dragon turned toward her trying to bite her but Sofia hit his head with a [Fire burst] “Look here!” She screamed.

‘What is this, her flames are different. They are eating away at my cold magic’ the dragon thought, she was heating him up, weakening with every Strike.

“Get away from me!” He screamed, “Cover me up!”

As the dragon’s voice echoed across the chaotic battlefield. One of the adult dragons soared down toward Sofia, its jaw opens ready to blast her with a toxic breath.

BAM! Chad leaped into the sky and caught the dragon by the head. With a quick move, he rode on the back of its head and held to its horns.

CRACK! Twisting the dragon’s head to the side, he forced it to fly in that direction.

“Get off my back, you bastard! That place is reserved for…” She growled with the voice of a woman.

“Don’t care, here goes your neck!” He started twisting her head to snap it off.

“Stop! Please I take it back! Sit as much as you like, just let my neck alone!” She cried as he was about to twist her head.

“Well then…” He forced her head to turn toward the white dragon “Breath at him,” Chad said menacingly.

“No, I won’t he is…” CRACK! Chad tore her head off immediately, not even giving her another second. They already finished the other ancient dragons leaving just that one.

Chad wasn’t going to waste time and get his daughter’s in law injured. As he fell from the sky toward the White dragon, he saw Farryn rush in and finish it with a single swing from her hammer.

Thud! Chad crashed into the ground like a rock causing a cloud of dust to rise. “Is this the last one?” He asked.

“No, some adults are running. Let them be, we don’t have that much energy left to chase them anyway.” Zaleria landed beside them, she knew just how hard it was to chase a motivated dragon that want to save his life.

“Probably…no look!” Farryn said but suddenly notice the dragons getting cut and falling from the sky. They then could feel Cain approaching alongside Alice, Gracie, Isbert, and Nemmoxon.

“Cain!” Sofia rushed at him the moment he landed.

“This is a mess, what did happen? All those dragons appearing here makes no sense.” Cain asked patting Sofia’s head.

“It makes sense, they were working undercover in the capital to initiate the rebellion. They got agitated when you smart father here beat one of them that was posing as a royal maid-in-training.” Farryn approached Cain

“Would have done the same, letting one near the king is the end of the kingdom,” Cain said with a thinking face.

“And risk this?!” She pointed toward the broken wall and the burned parts of the capital. If Chad didn’t beat that maid, those people might have been alive.

“Baltos isn’t Sylph, he can’t fend off a dragon. That maid would have controlled him and caused the kingdom to crumble.” Cain argued.

“We should have hunted the rest first to avoid those causalities!” Farryn yelled.

“It isn’t just the maid, attacking any of them will cause the remaining ones to wreak havoc. This was bound to happen, just a matter of when and how.” Cain started looking around trying to get a better grasp of what just happened.

“Are you saying it is inevitable?” Farryn yelled at Cain.

Cain gave her an exhausted look and started poking his ringing ear, “Be a bit quieter, it is inevitable unless one of us can kill over ten dragons, in different locations, instantly and simultaneously.” He then slowly approached her.

“I can’t, at least for now. You can’t, my father can’t, and no one here can. Besides Sylph or Lilia, neither of them are here.” Cain poked her forehead.

“Don’t touch me, how do you know Master Lilia?” She pushed his hand away and glared at his eyes.

“Lilia? Who doesn’t know about that short, and heartless terrorist?” He gave her a weird look. “They say laughing too much kills the heart, that’s a true fact.” Cain smiled turning toward his father.

“I ASKED, how do you know her?” Farryn cut Cain’s way with a sharp glare.

“Learned magic from her, satisfied?” Cain stared at her.

Farryn gave Cain a stupid look, “She never left the…but considering how you use magic…” She started thinking.

“That’s true, you don’t even know what she does in her free time. She could have taken a two days trip to the other side of the world and come back without you noticing.” Cain’s words rang a bell in Farryn’s head.

Lilia had once gone to the other side of the elvish kingdom to grab some fresh tea leaves (Steal them from a farm) since she didn’t find any in Sylph’s kitchen. And she did that while Farryn was in the bathroom. She could have very well had a student on the other side of the world without anyone knowing.

“Move away, father we need to…” Cain was about to talk.

Chad was looking at Cain’s face when he spotted something approaching in the distance, a red orb.

“CAIN!” Chad immediately pulled Cain away and stood there to block the attack with a boxer guard. PEW! Whistling through the sky, in an instant, the fireball hit Chad directly.

The flames were so hot they started charring his arms, melting his skin, and reaching down to his bones. BAM! Chad’s body got flung across the battlefield burned to charcoal.

As his body landed on a stone, his arms were nowhere to be seen, his whole body looked like a charred piece of meat.

…It took everyone a moment to digest what had just happened, in their eyes, something has killed Chad out of nowhere…No, that isn’t true, it was aimed at Cain and Chad took the hit instead of his son.

“FATHER!” Cain screamed, [Slow Time]

‘Hurry get Alice and Ariel’ the first brain thought. ‘Before he dies completely’ Cain rushed toward his father using [Telekinesis] to forcefully drag both Alice and Ariel with him.

“White mage, this is for killing my wife Karon.” A bulky man appeared standing by Cain’s side.

‘This is slowed time…<Race: Fire Dragon (Great Wyrm Red Dragon)>

CHOP! Blood splattered.

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