500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 456 Come Again?

"It\'s okay, Aries. You don\'t have to fight these battles alone anymore. You have me, and everyone else," I said, and then kissed the top of her head as she continued to cry on my shoulder. "But you still have Piccolo, and he loves you more than anything else. The man wants to spend time with you. If you need to fight, scream or cry, I will be that asshole that will tell you straight but still is there for you.

Aries was a strong woman, and I knew that this was what she needed right now; someone to support her when things got tough. She deserved a friend like me, and I would make sure that I gave it to her. We stayed like that for a while until, finally, Aries looked up at me with a small smile.

"Thank you... For everything," She said, and then I smiled back and nodded. "Let\'s get out of here."

We both left the arena, and then I opened a portal to my island so we could relax a bit. Cancer and the Winds were there waiting, and I called Piccolo to come over. We all talked and laughed, but then Karma pulled me off to the side.

"Very good work. This will dramatically increase your Karma level in the Mortal Realm of the Goddesses. As always, you never cease to amaze me. I was very curious to know how you were going to deal with Aries, but that was clearly effective," Karma said, and then pulled me into a quick kiss before pulling back a bit.

"She is better, but it will take her some time to get back on her feet," I said, and then looked over at Aries. She was laughing with Piccolo, and it made my heart swell with happiness and pride, but then I couldn\'t find Fate. "Where is that brother of yours?"

"In your room playing one of your game consoles," Karma said with a grin, then I pulled her into another deeper and much more passionate kiss.

"I have been waiting for ages to do that! That little shit is always hanging around! He is worse than a turd stuck in your ass hairs!" I complained, and Karma giggled but then sighed.

"I really hope that when you bring us to the lower realm, we can finally tell him. This is part of the reason why I want to come. We are going to have almost no power down there, so he won\'t be able to have a hissy fit. I also have a strange request," Karma explained, and I lifted an eyebrow.

"A strange request coming from you? Should I be worried?" I asked, and Karma sighed and rested her head on my chest.

"You are going to think I am crazy," Karma said, but then Luck came over, bouncing with every step.

"That\'s \'cause you are cray-cray, K! Are you going to tell him about your twisted plan?!" Luck asked with excitement, and I sighed. If Luck knew about it, it couldn\'t be that bad.

"I was trying to before you came over!" Karma complained, and Luck laughed, but Cancer called over.

"Why not come over here? I locked Fate in your room, so he won\'t get out until someone lets him out!"

"Fine, it\'s not like everyone but him knows anyways," Karma said as she pulled away from me and then went over to sit on my couch.

I thumbed my chin for a moment, but then Luck leaned in, her hair constantly changing colors like a living thing.

"Don\'t bother trying to figure it out. You are going to say no, but I want to see the look on your face when K asks you! Haha! This is going to be so good!" Luck giggled and then ran over to the other girls, who were looking back over at me.

I sighed but then followed Karma and sat down. "Alright, what is it that you want to ask me?" I said, and Karma took a deep breath before speaking.

"I want to make my brother fall in love with you when we get to the lower realm."


"Come again?" I asked as all the wheels in my head stopped moving and thought no longer became possible.

"Bwahaha!" Aries and Luck laughed like hyenas.

"I mean, after he is a she! I will make sure that he is really pretty!"

"Are you talking in another language? Or did you just hit your head somewhere?" I asked as my gears started to move again. "Because what you are saying makes so little sense, it must not be a language that I know, or could... what? Why? How does this help? I am so lost..."

"I think that you broke him," Cancer said, giving me a concerned look, but I was inwardly giving myself the same one.

Luck and Aries were still cackling in the background, but then Karma leaned closer. "Fate can be so pig headed at times, and I want him to see how wonderful you are when he is in a body that can truly appreciate it."

"What do you mean by truly appreciating it?" I asked, but Luck spoke up.

"It\'s like this; Fate didn\'t understand what it was like to like you when he was male. When he has female charms, and feelings, he will see just how incredible you are and fall head over heels for you!" She said matter-of-factly, and then the others all nodded in agreement.

I was speechless for a moment, then looked at Karma. "Is this really what you want? I really feel like I am in a dream that is slipping into a nightmare right now."

Karma chuckled and kissed my cheek. "It\'s a little crazy, I know, but I think it\'s the perfect solution. Besides, It\'s not like any woman is going to put up with his childish behavior."

"And why am I supposed to? We are still talking about a man here, and I don\'t do dudes. Nothing against the ones that do, but it is not my thing," I said, but Karma shook her head.

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