500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 498 A Talk Between Brothers

"That is a bit presumptuous of her, isn\'t it? What did you say?" Tallia asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"No, as many times as I could until I seemed to be the only person that seemed to think it was a stupid idea! I told Karma I would try, but Fate is irate and annoying beyond reason. Just to add more, he has a complex with his sister and hates that she likes me. The little bastard has been a cock block since the beginning of time!" I growled, and Tallia giggled.

"I\'m sure you can handle it. After all, if anyone can, it is you," She said, and I sighed, shaking my head.

"I hope so. We will see soon enough now, won\'t we?" I asked, and she nodded, then hugged my arm tight to her as we reached my master bedroom, which was closed with a massive ornate door with golden cats carved and painted into it.

"Yes, I guess we will," Tallia said, and then I opened the door.

The moment we entered the room, it was filled with excited women\'s voices, but they all stopped the moment we walked in.

My room was my sanctuary, and it was large with three small beds of questionable shapes and then a much larger master bed that was surrounded by four posts and drapes that were all closed.

"Galio?" I heard Karma call, and then her head popped out of the front drape of my master bedroom. "Go outside for a minute! Umm, Tallia, right?" Karma asked while holding the drapes closed so I couldn\'t see inside.

"Yes?" Tallia asked, and then Karma waved her over.

"Come and help us with these two! They both know us too well, and Cancer is a bit of a pushover. No offense, Cancer, but you just don\'t have that goddess stare like this one!" Karma grinned, and I frowned.

"What has got you so giddy? You are like a child hopped up on sugar and red dye. What are you doing back there?" I asked, filled to the brim with suspicion, then frowned. "Where is my father as well? Don\'t tell me he is in there with you all?"

"No, he left after he was done without a word. Truthfully, he was silent except for when he asked us what we thought of his work," Karma said, but then frowned back at me as Tallia let go of my arm.

"I guess I should go in then," Tallia said and walked towards the drapes, but then I stepped between her and Karma.

"What is going on here? What did my father do?" I asked, now getting really suspicious, and then Karma sighed dramatically.

"Kadeon changed Fate and Murphy\'s sex like you wanted so they can come down with us. Now, get out of your room so we can finish what we are doing!" Karma ordered and then narrowed her eyes at me. "Or you know what I will do!"

I was about to say something, but Tallia pulled me back and then pushed me out of my own room. Then she closed the door on me, leaving me outside, alone and confused about what had just happened.

Then a portal opened beside me, almost like clockwork.

"Hey there, little brother," Leo called from the other side, just shy of the waterfall. "You look like you have a lot on your mind. You wanna come to talk for a bit?"

I sighed but then grinned. Whether this was some grand plan by Karma and the others to distract me, I didn\'t really care. It was just good to see my brother again, so I stepped through.

"Yeah, I suppose I could use a bit of time under the water," I said as the portal closed.

"Well, come on and sit down!" Leo laughed and waved me over to the falls. "I noticed that you went up there again. Was there something wrong?"

"No, I was just showing Tallia the place. I have never taken anyone up there before, so I had thought it would be something," I said, and my brother grinned.

"That woman is really something else! Did you know that she took on Aries in single combat? Considering how strong you are, I would think that she is nearly as strong, if not even stronger, than all of us!" Leo laughed and then sat down under the waterfall.

"I heard something about that when I was dealing with Aries," I said, and then went to lean into the waterfall to sit under it, but I was hit with such an intense weight that I was forced down into the water of the pond.

I swam back up and over to the edge, pulling myself out, and then looked over at my brother. I thought he would be laughing at me, but he only had a concerned look on his face.

"How did that happen?" Leo asked, and I shrugged.

The pressure of the water had caught me off guard, but this wasn\'t like the last time I was here, and I was at full strength. There was no way that I shouldn\'t have been able to resist the water with my strength.

"Not really sure," I said as I walked over, rolling my shoulders where most of the water had hit me. The place almost felt bruised.

I walked back to behind the waterfall and then stuck just my fist into the water.

The moment it hit the water, my fist was pulled down, and I was just barely able to bring it up and hold it in place.

"You seem to have a lot on your mind if you can barely even hold your fist up," Leo said, and I sat down.

Instead of answering, I slowly moved under the waterfall, letting the pressure of everything try to crush me, but I resisted. I sat up tall as the water crashed down like boulders on me, and I closed my eyes for a moment, and then I asked a question. "What is the point of all this?"

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