500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 578 The Cat God's Midnight Creation: Reviving A Demonic Town

"You know that this is going to be a no go thing, right? We are going to be pulling along one-eighth of the Underworld if we start picking up all my long-lost loves," I laughed, not even slightly serious since most things down here didn\'t die unless they were killed, and even then, they were just reborn. I had lived plenty of life down here to know a good number of the population, but from the sounds of things, most of my "lovers" would be on the bottom three levels.

"Well, we can\'t just leave her here! I am calling Tallia!" Lexi declared, and I laughed. I had no idea how she was going to do that, but I knew what Tallia would say.

Lexi pulled out a small golden mirror from her satchel and held it up to her face. Soon, I saw Tallia\'s face, and she didn\'t look impressed.

"I haven\'t even been a day, and you are already in trouble?" Tallia asked, and I laughed.

"No, we stumbled on Martha, a Labyrinth Hellion I had relations with during one of my lifetimes," I said, and Tallia snorted.

"That is about as likely as kicking a rock in the Underworld. What is your point?" Tallia asked, and I nodded, but Lexi spoke up.

"We can\'t just leave her here like this!" Lexi complained, and Tallia sighed.

"You will be dragging half the Underworld-"

"An eighth!" I snapped, and Tallia gave me a look.

"You tell stories to your friends, and I\'ll tell stories to mind, but don\'t call a chicken a duck, Cat God," Tallia purred, and I feigned indifference, but Tallia ignored me and focused on Lexi. "Dear, if you pick off every love-struck stray Demon, you will never get back on time for Galio to make it to Breya giving birth. If that happens, then I will have to wait for my little girl. AND IF THAT HAPPENS, I will help you take off more than one layer of that scaly tail of you, do you understand? you are to help him move along fast, not hinder him, got it?" Tallia ordered, and a ghostly white Lexi nodded as she put the mirror away.

"Well, that went much worse than I expected!" I laughed, and Lexi looked at me in horror.

"I thought I had a problem, but just how many people have you had sex with?!" she asked incredulously, and Martha snorted.

"Be faster to figure out how many he hasn\'t," She laughed, and I scowled at her, but she only shrugged. "Tell me I am wrong, and I will take it back!"

" Can we just get going?" I asked, but Lexi shook her head.

"You can fix the Bull Demon\'s housing!" Lexi ordered, and I frowned at her.

"You realize that it was you two that destroyed it all, right?" I asked, and Lexi pointed at the rubble.

"I can\'t fix it, and you can. Complaining is just wasting time that you could be fixing. We are also taking Martha along!" Lexi declared, and Martha cheered; the two of them were suddenly best friends for life.

I shook my head and walked over to the rubble, but the place had just been a bunch of stone huts before this. Technically speaking, we were ahead of schedule since the next layer wasn\'t that far, so we could take a break for the night.

Gathering Primal Magic, I prepared a few spells that would create a small town that would at least have a bath and an inn. The place would have to be bigger for the Bull Demons when they came back, but I couldn\'t control how complicated it was going to be. Primal Magic gave you as much as it wanted, no matter how much it pulled in, but sometimes it liked when you got creative.

The first thing that I created was a large square at the center of the town. This was surrounded by brightly lit buildings, each with its own unique design and purpose. There were shops galore selling all sorts of items, from clothes to craft materials. Restaurants and pubs lined the streets, with their delicious smells wafting through the air.

Further, into the town, more extravagant and luxurious displays could be found. From old-fashioned carousel rides to outdoor ice rinks and even an exotic animal zoo, this entertainment district had something for everyone. All around, there were glowing neon lights and intricate decorations, giving the area a futuristic yet inviting feel.

Despite the hustle and bustle of the area, there was one thing missing – people. Although the town seemed full of life, it was eerily quiet, as not a single person could be seen in the entire place. The empty streets echoed with only the sound of the wind, creating an atmosphere of abandonment and loneliness.

"Why is there a frozen pond?" Lexi asked, but Martha looked at the place in horror.

"What have you done? This place looks... fun!" Martha gasped in horror as she flinched back, making me wince as I had just realized something.

You don\'t think it is that bad, right? I mean, I can get rid of the skating rink, but I don\'t really think the place is that... fun?" I said questioningly, but Martha shook her head.

Martha shook her head at Cat God\'s question, a look of disgust and revulsion in her eyes.

"Fun for Demons is different from human fun," she said. "It usually involves torture or other activities that bring pain and suffering. Things like games where you have to dodge spikes and flames, physical activities such as fighting each other, and others." She gave examples of the various ways. Demons find entertainment, her tone growing more and more horrified as she spoke. "And all these places you have created here, with bright lights and decorations - it looks like something out of a fairy tale. It\'s too light-hearted for us. We Demons would rather find our fun in darkness and destruction."

"Hmmm, I mean, I know you are right, but do I not change the inn until after we leave!" I declared as I started to weave the Primal Magic again, but this time it took off, giving me way more power than I needed.

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