The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter

Chapter 65 A Beautiful Stranger Inside His Room

"Seduce my brother… make him fall for you… so that I can have Hannah." Matthew mimicked how Tristan had said those words to Zhen-Zhen.",

Tristan froze in his spot with his slacked-jaw and unblinking expression. He was tongue-tied while processing the information in his mind.",

One second…",

Two seconds…",

Three seconds…",

Four seconds…",

Five seconds…",

It took him five seconds to absorb everything and regain his ability to speak.",

"NO!!!! NO WAY! This can\'t be happening!" Tristan exclaimed with his panicking and anxious voice while shaking his head.",

"Now, you remember! Tsk tsk tsk." Matthew said sarcastically from the other line.",


Then suddenly he felt something touch his forehead.",

"Aw!" Tristan grunted as Nurse Shruti smacked his forehead. She was now giving Tristan a warning look.",

"Mr. Davis! Please lower your voice. For goodness\'s sake we are in the emergency room right now!" Nurse Shruti reprimanded Tristan. ",

Even though he was their VIP guest, she couldn\'t tolerate him being noisy inside the hospital. His loud voice was a little bit distracting and even disturbing both health care workers and patients around the area.",

After realizing his mistake, Tristan gave her an apologetic look before turning to other people around them while bowing his head, signifying that he was apologizing for that disturbance.",

"Matthew, I\'m gonna call you back later." Tristan immediately hung up the phone without waiting for Matthew to speak up.",

After ending the call, Tristan slammed his eyes shut while smacking his forehead several times.",

\'You\'re a total jerk, Tristan! What a dummy fool?! Requesting Zhen-Zhen with a ridiculous stupid wish!\' Tristan cursed himself inwardly.",

After a few seconds, his eyes widened as he recalled Zhen-Zhen\'s last message.",

[ "Don\'t worry, Tristan. I will do my best and fulfill it tonight." ]",

He could imagine Zhen-Zhen\'s innocent beautiful face with her eyes filled with determination while saying those words.",

\'F*ck! D@mn you, Tristan! You\'re a big fool!\' He couldn\'t help but curse himself over and over again.",

He was panic-stricken at the thought Zhen-Zhen was seducing Andrew as of this moment while he was still in this hospital. The uneasiness and anxiety were now reflected on his eyes.",

He immediately grabbed Nurse Shruti\'s shoulder while begging her something.",

"Nurse, there\'s another emergency! Can I use the Hotel\'s private ambulance going back to the resort right now?" Tristan asked her, feeling desperate.",

"Why? Is there another emergency patient?" Nurse Shruti asked him.",

"Yes! I am. I think I am going to have a heart attack right now if I can\'t stop my future wife from doing something crazy! Please allow me to use the ambulance, right now?"",

The nurse just looked at him strangely because she had no idea what he was talking about. But after seeing the urgency and desperation on his face, Nurse Shruti just nodded in approval.",

"How about Ms. Hannah?" She asked him before Tristan could leave.",

Tristan glanced at Hannah\'s direction one last time before saying, "Please can you stay here and watch over her on my behalf? Monitor her condition and update me later."",

He could leave Hannah since he already knew that her life was not in danger. His main priority right now was to stop Zhen-Zhen or else he would never forgive himself for asking her that stupid wish. ",

Without further ado, Tristan left the emergency room going to the location where the Hotel\'s private ambulance was being parked.",

\'D@mn! How I wish I could also fly just like Zhen-Zhen or I can teleport directly to her current location.\' Tristan was silently wishing in his mind.",

While he was sprinting towards the ambulance, he continued calling her. His heart pounded even faster when his call was not answered.",

\'D@mn! Zhen-Zhen, please pick up the phone. Please… don\'t do it. Don\'t do it, Zhen-Zhen.\'",

Tristan tugged his hair in annoyance. \'I hope I\'m not yet too late.\'",


« At Oceana Safe Haven Resort Hotel »",

Andrew had just finished taking a shower. He emerged from the bathroom wearing only his bathrobe with his boxer shorts underneath.",

He was drying his hair using a towel when he felt someone\'s presence inside the room. He thought Hannah was back after visiting Tristan in his suite.",

"Oh, sweety, you are ba-" Andrew\'s next word was stuck in his throat upon seeing the woman standing just a few meters away from him.",

Andrew was utterly astounded when he saw a different person in front of him. The woman was definitely not Hannah. Because of his baffled state, Andrew unknowingly dropped the towel he was holding in his arms on the floor.",

His shock expression was later replaced by curiosity and intrigue.",

\'Who is she? What is she doing in my room, in our room? Where\'s Hannah?\' Andrew pondered to himself as he was intently assessing the beautiful woman before him from top to bottom.",

She was wearing a knee-length white floral dress that somehow revealed her beautiful pair of long flawless legs. From their distance, he could smell her sweet fragrance, a combination of rose and vanilla scent. It was pleasant to his nose.",

Andrew assumed that she was also fresh from shower as her long golden-brown hair that flowed over her shoulder down her waist was still wet.",

Meanwhile, Andrew\'s intense gaze was making Zhen-Zhen feel nervous. Now that she was facing Andrew, she didn\'t know how she would start seducing him.",

The room was engulfed by deafening silence and awkwardness.",

Andrew could sense that the woman didn\'t feel comfortable with his presence. Andrew realized that she was not a staff, basically she\'s an intruder… a stranger.",

\'A very beautiful stranger.\'",

He was about to act cold towards her and send her out of his room when Zhen-Zhen suddenly walked towards Andrew, slowly approaching him while biting her lower lips.",

Andrew\'s words got stuck in his throat once again. He couldn\'t help it. For an unknown reason, he was mesmerized by her little gestures.",

She didn\'t look fierce nor bold like a femme fatale who was ready to entice her victim by luring him in her art of seduction. Instead, Zhen-Zhen looked like an innocent sheep in the lion\'s den, unsure of what she was about to do and unaware of the impending danger that awaits her.",

But, her innocence was the one that made Andrew to be drawn to her and be captivated. Her troubled expression matched with her restless action piqued Andrew\'s curiosity.",

"Why are you here? Are you lost? This is not your room." Andrew softly asked her, instead of getting mad for intruding inside his private suite.",

Zhen-Zhen gazed up to meet his eyes and gave him an honest answer. "No, I\'m not lost. I came here to see you."",

Andrew was taken aback once again and fell silent for a moment.",

At that certain moment, Zhen-Zhen gathered herself and mustered up her courage to do this task. She\'s already here so there\'s no turning back now.",

\'Zhen-Zhen, you can do this. This is for Tristan.\' She mumbled to herself inwardly.",

After taking a deep breath, Zhen-Zhen moved her gaze back to Andrew\'s face, meeting his eyes. The uncertainty and reluctance in her blue orbs were already gone. It was replaced by determination.",

Without breaking their eye-contacts, Zhen-Zhen began undressing herself in front of Andrew who by now became more startled by her next action.",

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