A Sorcerer's Journey

Chapter 170: Fundamental Knowledge of Spatial Coordinates

Chapter 170: Fundamental Knowledge of Spatial Coordinates

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Space study had always been the highest level of attainable knowledge among sorcerers since the beginning of history.

Time and space in the wizard’s knowledge system used to be an absolute constant in magical operations. After modern wizards began to develop the basic element calculation formula, it became a relative existence concept.

The concept of time, space, cross-channel, distortion, and disjunction were interpreted differently now. In the context of conceptual metaphor, they formed a balloon airship which was constantly moving forward. To white mice on the airship, it was their whole world.

In this cabin, the behavior of the mouse, such as its movement, was at the basic level of logic that a white mouse could comprehend, while in the entire Sorcerer World, this airship was merely bound by the concept of the Sorcerer World’s time and space.

For the white mouse to see the bigger world, it must first surpass the speed of the balloon airship relative to the Sorcerer World.

To achieve this detachment, this white mouse must endure a forced evolution that would ascend it to a higher level of life which could provide a higher energy base.

These were the theoretical time and space concepts of the sorcerer’s knowledge system.

Such theories were put into practical use and enhanced by the wisdom of different sorcerers. They forged the supreme holy relic of the Sorcerer World, the Destiny Lever.

The Destiny Lever was so powerful, it could break through the limit of time and space, bend these absolute constants to access anywhere in an Endless World!

Grimm’s current level of intellect was still insufficient to comprehend the knowledge of time and space. Just like the knowledge of Dimensional Gap, Grimm’s intellect must create a sufficient imagination space to comprehend its context. Such an imagination space required a certain amount of memory within his brain, and it must be accumulated gradually. There were no shortcuts.


Spatial Coordination knowledge was divided into two basic concepts of time and space, just as Destructive Energy was created by the reaction between two basic elements.

In this case, Grimm should be ahead of his studies since he was gifted with space talent. He could easily master several low-level space witchcrafts, building a strong knowledge foundation for advanced knowledge research in the future.

Of course, such an effort would not interrupt his research on Destructive Energy.

Once again, Grimm stepped into the unique architecture of the Knowledge Library of the Holy Tower of Seven Rings. He passed through the mechanical guards, being led by a Foreign Land’s servant and reached a room of the highest floor in the library.

On the high-rise bookshelves of different heights, there were thousands of books of various sizes that were published in different eras and scattered ancient scrolls.

Several sorcerers could be seen searching through the bookshelves, hoping to find inspiration within any books they could find.

Grimm went straight to the bookshelf in front of him and glanced through the names of the books with haste. A book with the title “The Fundamental Knowledge of Spatial Coordinates: The Light and Dark Three-Dimensional Stereoscopic Concept with Lighthouse Coordination Practical Theory” caught his attention.

Without hesitation, Grimm quickly looked through its table of contents.

Just as suspected...

This book of fundamental knowledge explained the most basic knowledge of space and spatial coordinate locator.

The location of spatial coordinates was divided into two types: World Internal Coordinate Locator and Endless World Coordinate Locator. The Endless World Coordinate Locator involved the study of the Sorcerer World’s fundamental rules and the knowledge of the void. Its theoretical concepts were too complicated, hence Grimm ignored the whole section.

The knowledge of World Internal Coordinate Locator was a basic requirement for an official sorcerer before they mastered their senses.

There were two ways for a sorcerer to determine its position, Bird’s Eye Grid View Coordination and Lighthouse Relative Coordination.

Bird’s Eye Grid View Coordination was developed by the Sorcerer Civilization during the expansion of the civilization with the knowledge gathered by the elite sorcerers in their exploration of the Endless World. It was the mission of the sorcerer world’s most elite Demon-Hunter Sorcerers and Stigmata Sorcerers during the Civilization War to build the grid for sorcerers to mark their locations.

As long as their locations were still within the grid of the spatial coordinate system, the Destiny Lever could perfectly open an accurate Dimensional Crack.

Lighthouse Relative Coordination was an equation based on a fixed origin, generally a Sorcerer Tower. Grimm and the Little Myna’s Space-time Coordinated Access talent operated in the same manner. To complete long-distance teleportation, Grimm had to refer to a Sorcerer Tower’s location to complete his calculation.

The book hovered in the air with Grimm’s manipulation of Repulsive and Attractive Force, as he started to record its content with his crystal ball. Without disturbing other sorcerers, Grimm left the library.

One hourglass later.

Grimm landed in front of the Dark Demon-Hunter Sorcerer Headquarters.

It was a hexagonal building under the roots of the Tree of Life. The top floor was a flat plaza for the Demon-Hunter Sorcerers to gather. The information for Demon-hunting missions could be retrieved within this building.

Grimm came here to gather information and knowledge about the Sorcerer Barrier and collection method of Despair.

Of course, the Chimera’s fundamental knowledge was not to be missed, yet it required a certain cost. Grimm planned to use it some other time.

Most of the Dark Sorcerers were covered in cloaks with masks on their faces. Their eyes were sometimes dark red and sometimes dark green. With the mist-filled air, the scene was mysterious indeed.

Influenced by the atmosphere, Grimm kept his blond hair beneath his black robe and put on his Mask of Truth. A ball of bluish water vapor and a ball of lava flame could be seen on the mask, with zaps of lightning in between them. Grimm followed the other sorcerers and strolled into the Dark Demon-Hunter Sorcerer Headquarters of the Holy Tower of Seven Rings.


Grimm lifted his head and gazed upon his surroundings. In the middle of the hall, there was a statue of a human sorcerer along with a statue of a foreign world creature. The giant masculine body of the exotic creature was grabbing hold of the human sorcerer from behind with its mouth wide open. The human sorcerer had an emotionless look on his face. He was holding a sword that pierced through his body and the exotic creature behind him.

The statue was vivid, almost life-like.

The air was dead with silence.

There were at least hundreds of Dark Sorcerers in the hall, but no one made a sound. It was completely quiet. They were like dead bodies floating through the hall. Such a skin-crawling scene!

Grimm silently walked through the main hall towards one of the side halls.

The words ‘Fountain of Despair’ were marked above the gate of the side hall. Grimm glanced at the invisible magical restriction on the door frame. By controlling nature force, he walked in without any hindrance.

A disgusting, bloody smell hit his nostrils!

There was a pond filled with dark red blood, it was about one hundred meters in diameter. Under the blood pool, blood streamed out of six different locations like blood streams. More than ten Demon-Hunter Sorcerers had their hands in the blood pool in different corners of the blood pool with their eyes closed, trying to nurture some sort of senses.

“The Fountain of Despair guidance will cost you one Sorcerer Essence a day. Fundamental knowledge of Despair Collection costs five Sorcerer Essences, along with thirty experimental human-slave specimens.”

A sorcerer floated in the air right above the bloody Fountain of Despair, covered in thick blood. He looked at Grimm from the corner of his eyes. It was a pair of dark bloodthirsty eyes, almost like two reflections of a bloody moon. When Grimm looked at him, his ears were flooded with the voice of countless lives screaming in desperation.

Grimm put on a serious face.

This Demon-Hunter Sorcerer must be a powerful Dark Sorcerer who had walked through the sea of blood in a different world war.

Grimm sliced through the air and took five Sorcerer Essence spheres. As he directed the spheres through the air towards the Dark Demon-Hunter Sorcerer, he said, “The fundamental knowledge of Despair Collection.”

The Dark Sorcerer snatched his Sorcerer Essence from the air and started his chanting with a crystal ball. With a toss, the crystal ball glided across the surface of the Fountain of Despair and floated above Grimm’s hand.


Grimm took out his crystal ball and transmitted a huge amount of Fundamental Knowledge of Despair Collection into it.

Meanwhile, outside the gate of the side hall, a Mechanical Marionette pushed a huge ice-filled container car slowly into the hall. Numerous dark skin humanoid creatures seemed to be sleeping within the car, there were at least thirty of them.

“This is an extra experimental specimen given by the Dark Wizard Headquarters.” There was no change in the tone of the mechanical Marionette. He turned and left right after saying so.

Grimm glanced at the experimental specimens.

They were all about one and a half meters tall, dark-skinned with no human hair. Their skin was like a layer of armor protecting their bones, and their nails on both hands and feet were like cold sharp daggers.

The organs on their faces were not much different from humans, except that they did not have a nose. Perhaps these creatures had no respiratory organs, or these organs were hidden from Grimm’s observation. Or maybe they breathed through their skin?

The Demon-Hunter Sorcerer on the blood pool said, “These fresh specimens are of good quality. If they were to be used carefully, it should be enough to support any research.”

Grimm nodded.

Based on the biological build of these experimental specimens, they would not die so easily. Grimm should not worry about the specimen dying in the progress when conducting experiments on Despair Collection.

After spending some time, Grimm managed to open the World Fragment of his Demon-Hunter Castle and chucked the specimens into it.


Blood sprung out of the blood streams continuously. Grimm was certain that these blood streams had some powerful supportive effect in studying the power of Despair. Since Grimm had yet to touch the fundamental knowledge of Despair Collection, he had no use for these blood streams.

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