Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 77: Cohorts

Chapter 77: Cohorts


The women around the table looked at each other unhappily and murmured to each other as Elia shook her head. She needed to stop sounding like an idiot.

"I\'m sorry," she said, "I\'m not trying to sound dense. What I meant was, that excites me. Because I\'ve been trying to figure out what I can do here. Life is so different, I will need to build new skills, I think."

"Of course, of course. But firstly you\'ll be the Mother of all us," Aymora said, taking a bit of her own muffin. "Queen, Elia, leader of the Prides and champion of… well, we\'ll get to that part later. First we must do what we can to help."

Elia perked up at that. "I just recently learned that the Anima way is different than mine. That perhaps you may have tried to teach me before and I… didn\'t notice. I\'m sorry, things work very differently in my world. If you\'ve tried to show me something already and I missed it, I\'ll do better. I\'ll pay attention. But I will tell you that I find it much easier to be… told. Or at least, to have someone tell me that they\'re going to show me something. I… learned quite differently growing up than you do here."

Aymora nodded thoughtfully. "That\'s good to know. Perhaps before we start we should ask you, do you have any questions for us?"

Elia blew out a breath. "So many. I wouldn\'t know where to start. Tell me what you do here, what the Women\'s Circle is?"

Aymora smiled. "Well, the truth is we do whatever we\'re good at. Traditionallly, we\'re wise women, advisors, counsellors and sometimes healers. We are viewed by the Pride as… wise-ones. We\'re a resource you—as Queen—can delegate responsibility to. And we\'ll come to you with petitions for you to take to the King."

"Wise women… you teach?"

"We lead by example. We help women in all the tribes, but especially the Leonine, with everything from family, to mating, and even sometimes we tangle with the men in politics, though it\'s of little interest to us." Aymora dusted off her top. "In short, Elia, once we have satisfied ourselves that you are the appropriate Queen, we will be your public support, and your private accountability. We will be the women you come to with your ills, and we will be the women who come to you with correction, but also with assistance."

Elia swallowed. "How do I satisfy you that I\'m… appropriate?" She\'d thought the mating was the thing they were all hung up on. There was more?

"There are two main things we\'re concerned about," Aymora said. "The first and most important is the True Mate bond, which I\'m now confident about—do any of you have any concerns there?" The women all leaned towards her and inhaled deeply, but shook their heads. They, apparently, liked what they smelled? Elia looked at Aymora who was smiling.

"We\'re all confident—now—that you are the Creator\'s intention for Reth, which is a huge relief. We\'ve been waiting a decade to meet you."

Elia blinked. "Wow. Thank you. I guess."

"But being Queen requires much more discipline and intention than simply being intended—though that is an excellent foundation. Tell me, who are you considering for your cohorts?"

"Cohorts? What—"

What has Reth told you of the feast tonight, and your role in it?"

"There\'s a feast?" Elia squeaked.

Aymora dropped her head and the other women grumbled under their collective breaths. "I swear, that man…" Aymora sighed. Then looked at Elia patiently. "Yes, there\'s a feast tonight, specifically to celebrate the union of our King and Queen. And during that feast you\'ll be expected to appoint the beginnings of your Cohort. Has Reth explained any of this?"

"No," Elia said, and felt like a fool. "But… he has had a lot going on."

Aymora\'s lips tightened. "Don\'t get me started on how that boy should have handled himself—and you—for the past week. But we must accept what we cannot change. So…" she looked at the other women who all looked equally unimpressed. "I guess we have a few hours until lunch. And we\'d better make the most of it!" She clapped her hands and the women all straightened. "Huncer, can you please explain the Feast? Then Porsha, you can take the Cohort question."

Elia took a deep breath and settled in to listen as the women unraveled a web of tradition and political roles that made her stomach twist with nerves.

She didn\'t get all of it, knew she\'d have to get Aymora to explain some of the details again later, but from what she gathered, as Queen she was expected to have a group of people around her who would hold positions that gave them status among the Anima in their own right. Yet, their roles would be to… help her.

She had to choose companions—only one to start with—but women who she trusted to be friends and watch out for her as a woman and mate. Then she also needed a Second, someone who would be trusted by her to handle details, but also by the people—because that person would take over her duties should something befall her, or she had to travel with Reth. And then finally, she needed an advisor. An Anima she trusted to help her make decisions, challenge her thinking, and generally make sure she didn\'t make a fool of herself.

"These roles will expand as the people you choose prove their value in certain areas of your life. You\'ll bring more into your circle as needs arise. And occasionally, you\'ll lose a cohort. But in short, these people will be seen as your… circle. Your pack. What they do will reflect on you, so choose wisely."

Elia gaped. "How can I possibly choose these people when I barely know anyone?"

"You must have come in contact with many Anima by now," one of the women—Huncer, she thought—said with slight impatience. "Trust your instincts. The Creator gave them to you for a reason."

That was the same thing Reth had said to her when they\'d gone into the Flames and Smoke. And that had proven to be just the right thing to do.

So Elia planted her hands on the table, nodded, and said, "Okay. Yes. I mean… yes, I can do that. I can… I mean, yes, I\'ll trust my instincts. Now if you can give me some ideas on what I\'m looking for in the right people for these roles?"

Aymora smiled.


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