Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 206 - Invading Southeast Fortress Part 1

Chapter 206 Invading Southeast Fortress part 1

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar checker: M_W Nomral

At this moment, Leo was looking at the map he had bought from a passing merchant caravan for the entire Southeast Fortress.

On the map, Leo quickly noticed that the Southeast Fortress is actually still a city that is 50 kilometers in diameter big. The only difference it has from other normal cities is that they focus more on military-related stuff rather than industrial or economy.

Inside the Southeast Fortress, there is a Palace in the middle for the Commander called Commander\'s Palace, with four Watchtowers at the 4 sides where the 4 Generals are currently living at.

Further ahead from the Palace are four Barracks for the soldiers and Mages, specifically located at the south, north, east, and west.

On the left side of the North Barrack is the Business District and the right side is the Training Grounds for the soldiers and Mages of the Southeast Fortress.

On the other hand, on the left side of the South Barracks is the Residential District and on the right side is the Port District.

The Southeast Fortress has four gates, specifically located at the 4 Barracks. Simply put, the moment a person enters the Southeast Fortress, they needed to pass through one of the 4 Barracks.

Because of those arrangements, it\'s safe to assume that it will be a bit challenging to invade the Southeast Fortress. All of the 4 Barracks can minimize the threat of going through blind spots, and the arrangements of the other places would also force them in the middle of two Barracks, the Commander\'s Palace, and the Watchtowers.

Like, for example, with their current location right now, the best plan he was able to come up with is to first sneak inside the Southeast Fortress through the left or right side of the South Barracks. After doing that, they will then quickly hide themselves in either the Residential District or Port District, which are both places where the normal citizens of the Southeast Fortress are currently living at.

However, doing that will also put them into the corner, specifically, their back would be facing both the walls, their left, and right would be two Barracks, and while at their front would be the Commander\'s Palace where they will be in the range of one of the 4 Watchtowers that has a General living within.

That is also not the only problem. If he indeed chooses to execute such a plan, the first step alone, which is to sneak inside Southeast Fortress, is nearly an impossible task to do, because of the fact that the Silver Kingdom is at war right now, hence the 4 Barracks would obviously be extremely strict at this moment, and not to mentioned aside from Leo and a few other villagers, the rest are all Hybrids, so it also adds up to the difficulty of sneaking in.

Even if they can indeed sneak inside Southeast Fortress, the second step would also be really hard. Why? Well, with the majority of them being Hybrids, some patrol would definitely pay more attention to them, and not to mention the normal citizens living in both the Residencial District and Port District.

And even if they can indeed execute both the first and second steps, how will they fix the situation where all of them would be cornered to the wall?

"Ash!" Leo called out to Ash to ask for help.

Hearing Leo\'s call, Ash quickly stopped helping the Hybrids in preparing for the upcoming battle as she then walks towards Leo.

"Yeah?" Ash asked while looking at the map of the Southeast Fortress full of lines and circles were drawn by Leo. With her years being the leader of 5 Divisions, she was naturally able to quickly understand what Leo aimed to do based on those lines and circles.

"As someone who is also good at making strategies, how will you propose a way to successfully invade Southeast Fortress?" Leo asked while his eyes are still focused on the map.

"Hmmm..." Ash quickly began observing the arrangements inside Southeast Fortress.

"Basing on the Hybrids capability. We don\'t actually need to sneak inside through the Barracks. And instead, we can simply split them into two groups, the first group would break a hole through the wall or dig a hole under the wall, and the other group would swim under the wall using the sewers around the Port District."

"We can also just simply invade the South Barracks through the help of Chief Lago and the four leaders, of course, by sneaking inside, and after doing that we slowly replace their men stationed over there with ours. Lastly, we slowly spread out and secretly invade the other Barracks."

This was the exact reason why Leo had called out to Ash because she is the one who is extremely familiar with the Hybrids capability. So, she knows what strategy is suited for them, and what is not suited for them.

The strategy that he had thought about before is actually just an idea if he base of every Hybrid as someone with the same experience as him, with the same skill set as him, and just more powerful in strength than him. Simply put, his plan doesn\'t consider the capability of the Hybrids, and instead, it is his own capability that he had considered.

"Oh, does the Southeast Fortress have a Slave Market or something alike? Because we can actually add more soldiers by releasing the Hybrids, they have enslaved. We can also secretly attack the Noble Households and help some of the Hybrids escape." Ash added more plans, "We can also invade the Palace kitchen, and put some poisonous substance in their meal, in such a way we don\'t need to kill the Commander ourselves anymore because they will definitely eat the food served by the kitchen without checking it themselves since they would assume already that every meal is safe due to their food taster."

"We can..."

At the side, Leo was listening but at the same time feeling a bit cautious of Ash. Fortunately, this woman was now one of his men, because he would definitely have a hard time living his life if she was his enemy. Imagine, with her years of experience plotting against a Noble Household, she can definitely invade his Heart Noble Household without getting noticed. And then one night he would just die due to being poisoned.

"Leo?" Ash waved her hand in front of Leo as she noticed that he seems to be in deep thought.

"Oh!" Leo was quickly pulled out from his thoughts as he then quickly turned to look at Ash, "Yes?"

"Were you listening?" Ash asked while puffing her cheeks in annoyance.

"Yes!" Leo immediately nodded his head, in fear that Ash might suddenly poison his food because he didn\'t listen to her.

"So, what do you think...? Were my ideas okay?" Ash curiously asked.

"It is fantastic! We will go with your idea, so start preparing the others, we will start invading the Southeast Fortress the moment the moon rises up above the Southeast Fortress!"


Ash quickly went back to the other Hybrids to inform them about the strategies they can use during this operation.

Meanwhile, at the side, Leo turned to look at the map once again as he would be mapping out where they would do the first step, specifically where they will make the hole and which sewer they should use to get inside the Port District.

Basing on the map, the best way to make a hole, or rather choose a hole, was in the Residential District, simply because such places have the so-called Underground World, specifically the Red District, where all sorts of criminals and dangerous people would be gathering, especially during the night. So, that side of the wall would definitely have plenty of secret tunnels that lead in and out of the Southeast Fortress without going through the 4 Barracks.

As for the sewer part for the Port District, they can choose the sewer system of the East Sewer Management of the Southeast Fortress, in such way they can use it as a passage to go up to the East Barracks, where Chief Lago and the four leaders would be secretly waiting to launch their own attack.

Instead of Ash\'s plan of attacking the North Barracks, he decided that it is much better to attack the East Barracks. Looking at the map, the north of the East Barracks is the Training Grounds, which means the place where the weaponry and such kind of place where they can equip themselves with appropriate weapons would be located at.

Right now, what they needed the most are suitable weapons.

Obviously, they can\'t just fight against the Southeast Fortress soldiers with damaged iron and steel weapons, right? Doing so wasn\'t just plain stupid, but also suicidal due to the fact that they would initiate a fight they know clearly they would lose.

Although the Barracks would definitely have some weapons, it is definitely not going to be enough to equip 500 or so Hybrids.

As for those Hybrids that go through the Residential District, they would be tasked to rescue some Hybrids that the Noble Households had bought from the Slave Market, which is obviously going to be located at the Business District.

After rescuing the Hybrids from the Noble Households, they will then go through the same tunnel they made or found once again and then find or make another tunnel to go inside the Port District, which would obviously also have an Underground World, specifically Smuggling District, considering the fact that it is the port, specifically where smuggling usually happens.

Finally done with the plan, Leo closed the map and went with the others to brief them about the plan.

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