Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 1066 - Wang Zheng Picks Up Chicks!

Chapter 1066: Wang Zheng Picks Up Chicks!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Wang Zheng and the rest arrived at the space harbor of Aslan. Once they stepped out of the shuttle, they were dazzled by the gorgeous and magnificent space harbor. Countless space bridges extended out, layer upon layer, and yet well-ordered.

This was undoubtedly the busiest and grandest space harbor in the entire Milky Way Alliance. Wang Zheng and the rest walked on the special walkway. Elite Academy X was treated as a privileged status here. Compared to others passing through customs, Wang Zheng and the rest passed through smoothly. For this SIG, Aslan authorities had opened a dedicated service route.

“My, my. Aslan’s ground service looks so lustrous,” Takumi could not help exclaiming.

When one talked about quality, one first needed money, then they needed time. When time and money accumulated to a certain level, such things would emerge. Aslan was the best fit of these conditions within the Milky Way Alliance. They had a vested interest during the Star Voyage Era, and definitely fulfilled these conditions.

It has to be said that the space harbor service was very good. Immediately, dedicated personnel came to guide them. The girls were very pretty, their voices sweet. Even more important was their welcoming smiles. Even if it was their job, they took pride in it, and everyone felt a sense of warmth.

The Aslan Royal College had already sent some cars to welcome the participants of SIG. And only the Royal College had the resources to receive so many people. At the same time, everyone could receive the best reception.

To support this iteration of SIG, the Royal College had specially developed a district for the participants of SIG. Food, accomodation, and clothing were all well catered for. It was rumored that over 10 different styles were provided for the meals. Each detail was pursued to perfection.

This was the Aslan style. Anything undertaken would have to be done to the best. The school car escorted them back to the Royal College. Of course, because the members were arriving at their own times, there would not be any welcoming ceremony.

The hovercraft moved smoothly. A female student wearing the silver and gold-trimmed school uniform of the Royal College walked to the center. She was an usher designated by the school. One look revealed that she was full of new life, and probably a first year at the Royal College. The girl was quite excited. After all, the car that she was in charge of was filled with super experts from Elite Academy X.

“Hello, everyone. I am Camilla, a first year at the Royal College, and a member of the student union. It is an honor to be the guide of all my seniors.” Camilla bowed, smiling. Her eyes were casting about. “I... am Senior Wang Zheng’s fan.”

Immediately, the whole car was in an uproar. “There we go again, I knew it! Traveling with you means that our thunder is always stolen.” Zhang Shan was exasperated.

This was indeed an ironic moment. Di Maria was seated in the front row, afraid that his own junior would not spot him. Just as he had arrived home, and was about to put on airs, he had been ignored. Di Maria had been about to take his leave, but now he was dissatisfied.

“Camilla, you know Wang Zheng?” Di Maria purposely asked. She must have watched the Greatest King Competition, or perhaps just heard some rumors.

Lear smiled slightly. A prudent person would just watch the show at such a tie. Recently, he had found Di Maria more and more likeable. Within the poise of maturity lurked a childish show-off.

“Of course. Senior Wang Zheng is the hot topic of this SIG. You have many supporters in the Royal College. This is indeed your lucky place!” Camilla gushed.

“Is it?” Wang Zheng smiled. He did not mind this. He might have some supporters, but surely there were more detractors. Especially after he had defeated Aslan. “Olivios, this should be your lucky place. You won the last IG, and I’m still jealous.”

Olivios smiled slightly. “Any finals without you is not worth mentioning. I hope we can meet again in these finals. I’ll give you a chance to turn the tables.”

“Likewise, likewise,” Wang Zheng replied cheerfully.

Compared to the last IG, Wang Zheng had matured too much. And the teammates by his side had grown as well. They would not let their regrets stage an encore. No matter if the opponent was Aslan, or Atlantis, or whoever else, he was gunning for number one this time!

Di Maria’s show was spoiled. His face was rigid. He hated the superior attitude of Wang Zheng and Olivios, as though everyone else besides them was just calefare.

“Seniors, please do your best! We of Aslan will also work hard. Be careful~”

The girl was bubbly and cute. She was evidently filled with ignorant enthusiasm for this event. In truth, only the competition organizers were in the know as to how the competition would turn out. The thing was, SIG had not been taken seriously in the past. Whether this competition would be like IG or like a military competition was still in the air. IG was supposedly a safer stage. The safety precautions were higher, whereas a military competition had no such safety system to speak of. A real mech battle could not be regulated anyway. Once they clashed, no one could guarantee that the attack would even be contained in the area. Injuries and such could not be avoided. Militaries were opposing forces, but some reservations remained for military colleges. The organizers would have to clarify further. Clearly, there was still time.

“That’s right, do you know Si Jiali? She used to be from physics...” Wang Zheng did not know if Si Jiali was still at the Royal College. She was one of the few friends that he had made during his brief stay at the Royal College. Indigo had probably graduated. Time and distance indeed carried away many things with them. Looking at the scenery outside the window, Wang Zheng was still nostalgic. In some ways, he was an emotional guy.

“Senior Si Jiali? Of course I know her. She’s the chairman of the student union, and also my idol.”

This chick had too many idols. Some of them could not help shaking their heads.

“Ah. She hasn’t graduated?”

“Senior, Senior Si Jiali is doing graduate work. Science streams normally take a long time. We of the Royal College are very laissez-faire, but neglect neither work, research, or study. I’m also from physics. Do you know Senior Si Jiali?” The girl’s gossipy heart was clearly burning with curiosity.

“I was once an exchange student at the Royal College for a short while. I’m also from physics. Maybe it makes sense that you call me ‘Senior’ after all,” Wang Zheng said.

The girl’s mouth opened wide in a very cute way. “Wait, let me think. You’re that Wang Zheng that Senior mentions???”

“She mentions me?” Wang Zheng had still thought that he might have been forgotten.

“Oh my God, oh my God, I’ve seen him in the flesh now!” The girl rushed forward with abandon, holding out a pen. “Senior, please give me an autograph as proof! I’m from the Space Deep-Research group. Senior said that you might just be the most talented physics genius of the century, but you gave up on it. Oh my God, you’re too cool! Oh, I forgot, you’re the Greatest King as well. Oh my God!”

The girl’s eyes were shining like stars.

Everyone in the car was green with naked envy. It was enough that Wang Zheng was famous in Elite Academy X. How could his name be so well known even on Aslan?

Di Maria was speechless with fury. Damn, this guy was so good at acting cool.

Zhang Shan could not help it. “You’re picking up chicks!”

Wang Zheng was lost for words. “I am not!”

“Yes you are! You’re fooling around with chicks!”

From the side, Takumi and the rest were nodding. Even Mu Zhen foolishly nodded in agreement.

“Senior, if you don’t have a girlfriend, you can consider me~ Even as a replacement~”

Everyone in the car felt like it was over. Could they even have a conversation again after that?

The little girl finally remembered her own duties. She began to introduce the basic situation of Aslan’s capital to everybody, as well as the special things about the Royal College. At the same time, she mentioned a few officer colleges. They were not as comprehensive as the Royal College, but they did not accept foreign students, and specifically nurtured Aslan officers. Aslan was not short of talent. These officer colleges were even more reclusive than the Royal College, and more secretive.

It had to be said that the girl had a learned bearing, and a fluent speaker. If it were not for her inability to conceal her adoration for Wang Zheng through flirtatious glances, she was capable.

On the way, the rest had started to tease Wang Zheng. They said that Wang Zheng must have old flames on Aslan, which left Wang Zheng unsure of whether to laugh or cry. But the atmosphere was quite pleasant. Wang Zheng was someone who could take teasing. If this had been Di Maria, he would long have started a quarrel.

Di Maria was completely silent, as though none of it concerned him. By right, this was his hood, and he should be more magnanimous. A pity that he was far from Lear in this regard.

Lear was very composed, even adding a few jibes in. His face was fixed with a peaceable smile. His acting ability was at its peak.

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