Pet King

Chapter 714: Dogs Never Change

Chapter 714: Dogs Never Change

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The windproof goggles for American military dogs––a gift from Reina––had solved a problem that had been troubling Zhang Zian for a long time.

He knew that canine pupils did not adjust to light as efficiently as felines’ did. The sunlight was sometimes so strong in the desert and on plateaus, which could not only limit their vision, but also harm their eyeballs.

He opened the package and found that the shape of the goggles was similar to the ones that pilot’s wore in old air combat movies. The shape was adjusted and improved to fit on canine’s heads and to ensure a tight fit, so that neither wind nor sand could get through.

The goggles were attached to the dog’s lower jaw with two cut proof nylon straps, so that they would not fall off when the dog was running at a high speed.

Zhang Zian took the goggles and played with them over and over. He liked them so much that he almost wanted to try them on himself…

“And these.” Reina took out two more camouflage packages. “They make a complete set. Take all of this for Famous as a gift.”

Zhang Zian felt that he didn’t deserve such a gift, but he was curious as to what was inside.

Reina introduced the products one by one: “This is an ear mask that goes with the goggles. It prevents sand and wind from entering their ear canal; it can also partially eliminate the impact that a nearby explosion would have to the eardrum. This one is a military vest for dogs, which prevents external injury.”

There were two pairs of ear masks that were triangular and made with the same material as the frame of the goggles––they looked quite solid. There were venting slits on the sides of the ear masks so that police dogs could hear their master’s commands while they were also well-protected.

The military vest was intended to keep the dog warm, since the temperature in the desert could drop to -20 degrees Celsius at night.

Reina was very generous. They were all military grade products, so the set was very expensive. Altogether, the set was a whopping price of 199.99 euros. However, considering that a leash was sold at 30 euros in Reina’s shop, the set was well worth the money…

Driven by need because of long-term battles in desert areas, the United States army spent a lot of energy making equipment of simple structure and superior function. They were great products, but even those who had plenty of money could not necessarily afford them.   U.p. dated by boxnove l. com

The employees of the pet store took a group photo with Famous and were reluctant to return to their jobs.

Zhang Zian tried the desert battle set on Famous. All three items were adjustable according to the dog’s size. It fit after proper adjustment and Famous looked incredibly handsome!

Famous was very satisfied with itself as it glanced itself over in the mirror.

Zhang Zian took the set off of Famous and put them away. He thanked Reina again.

Reina smiled. “Okay. Now that we have taken care of Famous, we can now take care of our fellow businessman from China. Jeff, welcome to my shop. Would you like me to walk around with you?”

“That would be great, if it’s convenient to you.” What Reina suggested was exactly what Zhang Zian wanted. “You have a lot of stuff in your shop that I’ve never seen before. I don’t know what they are for, so an introduction would be great.”

He walked side by side with Reina and asked her questions whenever he came across an unknown item. She told him everything she knew and answered his questions with enthusiasm.

There were other customers with dogs shopping around the store. Zhang Zian noticed that all of these dog owners carried paper bags with them in order to pick up their dog’s poop. He exclaimed, “Ever since I arrived in Germany, I’ve been impressed by how much the Germans love their dogs. Dog walkers are everywhere on the street, but, miraculously, I rarely see dog poop on the ground.”

Reina nodded and asked, “Jeff, do you know why each dog owner is voluntarily picking up dog poop?”

Zhang Zian paused at her question, thinking that the citizens were either well-educated, or the penalty was high. There could not be any other reasons, right?

He explained his thoughts, but Reina laughed mischievously. “No, Jeff, we are not that well-educated––we are just afraid. We pick up dog poop without being told so that our dogs will not lick our faces after eating their own poop, or lick our faces after eating another dog’s poop…”


Zhang Zian could not help but laugh at her explanation.

Reina continued, “Maybe you think this is a joke, but it’s not. Take a look at this.”

She took him to another shelf and took down a few small packages to show him. Each package was different in color and style, suggesting that they were from different manufacturers.

“Many owners are troubled by the poop eating problem. Therefore, some manufacturers have invented food additives, such as these in my hands,” she introduced. “The manufacturers claim that after adding these food additives and pills into a dog’s food, the dog poop will have an annoying odor to the dogs and the dogs will not eat it.”

“Oh?” Zhang Zian was greatly intrigued. He stared at the tablets, pills, and powdered food additives in Reina’s hands, looking at them closely.

As the saying goes, dogs never stop eating poop. This was a self-evident truth, just like the sun always rose from the east.

At least half of the world’s domestic dogs ate poop, only counting the ones that were caught. If one were to count the dogs that had been secretly eating poop without being caught by their owners, then the percentage might be as high as three quarters…

Dogs not only ate their own poop, but they also ate the poop of other dogs, regardless if it was soft, hard, thick, thin, liquid, dry, round, or rod-shaped. Any form was considered a delicacy to dogs.

More horrifically, studies indicated that dogs didn’t eat poop for the nutrients inside, but because they simply enjoyed eating it. This was called “coprophagia…”

In the daily business of a pet shop, he was often asked the same question by panicking customers: “Holy crap! What do I do if my dog ate poop? What if my dog licked me after eating poop?”

In the public account, many people left messages asking how they could train their dogs to stop their bad habit.

In the past, his answer had always been: “Just give it up. There’s no solution!”

What if he was wrong? Maybe these magical pills in Reina’s hands could solve the conundrum that had been troubling dog owners for a long time.

“Do these pills and food additives work?” he asked. If they worked, he would like to purchase some for his shop. They would sell fast.

Reina shook her head and laughed. “Unfortunately, only one percent of the customers say that it works. But this doesn’t stop them from buying and trying them anyway, in hopes that their dog would be the one percent.”

Zhang Zian was speechless…

“So, I’m not joking. The best way to prevent dogs from eating poop is to pick their poop up immediately after they go. This is what we do to protect ourselves,” Reina said seriously.

Dogs never stop eating poop. The ancient people were not lying!

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