Ace of the Dragon Division

Chapter 181 - XU CHENG AGAIN?! (Part one)

A hundred meters away, Hu Bing’s crew appeared, prompting Xu Cheng to say into his mic, “They are here, all 15 of them. Just as planned, they are charging straight for the mid lane.”

Wei Yuan: “Then wouldn’t Hu Bing’s flaw be too obvious? Is this the rhythm of leading a team into getting aced? I really don’t want to hurt their feelings this badly, and at least get to show off some of my skills... It’s really not fun if they just group themselves mid for us to collapse on.”

Xu Cheng: “You are overthinking it. Hu Bing’s not that stupid.”

Liao Shuhang: “Old Xu, if you were Hu Bing and you wanted to go mid, what would you do?”

Xu Cheng: “I will have snipers cover from behind. It will make it easier to retreat if our front line gets into trouble. Other than our snipers, our guns all have shorter range, so we won’t be able to effectively fight back against them.”

Wei Yuan: “If that’s the case, then what are we doing ambushing?”

Xu Cheng: “That’s why I’m missing from the formation. Later on, just focus on collapsing onto the mid lane. I will be in their back garden. I’m out, they are here. Everyone, keep your eyes on mid, move right after someone steps on a mine.”

After speaking, Xu Cheng just quietly hid in his hole. He heard people walking past him, and their steps were all pretty slow. Hu Bing and the others began slowly crawling towards the fortress under the snipers’ cover.

Hu Bing made a gesture, and five agile soldiers began moving towards the fortress. The snipers were on the ground, and their green camouflage suits blended really well with the grass, and it would be hard to spot them if they didn’t take a careful look,

Five snipers took aim at all the entrances of the fortress and any highground that could have snipers. After the preparations were done, they reported to Hu Bing through the mic.

Hu Bing gestured for the five soldiers in the front to go in and check out the situation. They cautiously crept by the trees and sand walls as cover and then charged into the fortress. After checking out the rooms, they looked back in puzzlement and said to Hu Bing through the mic, “No one’s here.”

Hu Bing was a bit shocked. Then, he snorted, “They guessed that we were going to charge head on, so they want to flank us from the sides?”

“Hu Bing, do you think they would give up the middle and choose to defend the sides?”

Hu Bing: “That would be stupid. If they chose the two sides, the middle would be the one that can collapse on either side, and we can easily surround them from the middle and sides. Besides, if they are guarding from the sides, there wouldn’t be enough mines and trap resources to cover both sides. It would be easier to just guard the middle.”

Zhang Kai: “Then that’s a bit odd. The thing is, there’s no one here and they clearly gave it up. What should we do now?”

Hu Bing: “Four of you, split into pairs and go scout the two sides. The moment we find them, we will attack them from the middle.”

Looking at the footage in the surveillance, the head instructor frowned. “As long as Hu Bing doesn’t advance any more, it will be hard for Xu Cheng’s ambush to work. Looks like his plan still needs some luck.”

But the tactician said, “Not at all, Sir, look at this.”

The tactician pulled up a diagram he created, and the head instructor asked, “What’s this?”

“The mines that Xu Cheng laid, it’s a hollow mushroom formation. The root is the entrance, and that means, Hu Bing led his crew straight into the heart of the mushroom. Now, unless they retreat from the way they came from, they are completely surrounded by mines and traps. At this moment, if someone were to open fire, Hu Bing and his crew would be like startled birds. At this moment, there will be at least a couple of people that will get eliminated by traps and mines. By then, it will be even easier for Xu Cheng to harvest the rest.”

The head instructor narrowed his eyes and looked at the screen, and sure enough, the veterans suddenly began firing from both sides.

Chapter 181: XU CHENG AGAIN?! (Part two)

At the instant the shots were fired, Hu Bing’s team would for sure begin running around looking for cover.

“Watch out!” Hu Bing shouted. Everyone on their team was pretty agile, and they immediately ducked into cover, and some directly hid behind some trees.

Xu Cheng whispered into the mic to the people on both sides, “Retreat.”

On the left side, Wei Yuan gestured. “Let’s go!”

On the right side, Liao Shuhang gestured. “Let’s go!”

“After them!” Hu Bing was furious. How dare those old hags take a few shots and just run? What is this? Are they teasing us?

Hu Bing said to the four soldiers that were already headed to either side, “They are all on the side lanes, you guys go around, and we will take them head-on. Let’s collapse on them.”

Aside from the four soldiers that had went the long way to get behind the two side lines, Hu Bing led the other 11 soldiers to chase towards the sides from the middle lane.

The five snipers also began climbing up from the ground to change positions, and when they were coming out, Xu Cheng had already climbed out of his hole. With the dagger in hand, he lurked behind the fiver snipers that had gotten up. He quickly sliced one of their throats, and the other four snipers were extremely quick at spotting him. Xu Cheng nonchalantly pulled out his gun, used the “dead” dude as a shield to block off the other four snipers’ bullets, and then he accurately fired four shots, all heading right between the brows of those four.

“Li Weishun, Zhang Yao, Mo Long, Chen Xiaohui, Li Siqiang out!” The broadcast shocked Hu Bing as his pupils got a lot bigger. Weren’t those five his snipers? He shockingly looked back, only to find his five snipers on the ground, and a shadow had leapt into the woods.

Hu Bing recognized the tall body, who else could it be if it wasn’t Xu Cheng?! He furiously shouted, “Stop chasing, the facking guy’s behind us! Take him out!”

The rookies that were originally going after Wei Yuan and the others immediately turned around. Seeing Xu Cheng jumping around in the woods, they all began shooting at him and chasing after him.

Xu Cheng was obviously taking a planned route of escape, why would he lead them to their old way out? Those people were so focused on chasing after Xu Cheng that they didn’t pay attention to the traps and mines below their feet.




Hard metal sounds all came from below their feet. The rookies didn’t even have to look to guess what those hard things were in the soft soil. However, their feet had already moved off of it.

“Zhao Shilong, out!”

“Li Tie, out!”

“Wang Dao, out!”

“There are mines, everyone watch out!” Hu Bing finally realized it and immediately shouted to his team. But, there were only 3 people with him that hadn’t been eliminated by stepping on mines.

Just when those three didn’t dare to move anymore, Wei Yuan and his men that hadn’t gone too far came back and fired another wave of shots.

“My long gun is already thirsty for some action!” Wei Yuan laughed, delighted to see three targets that were basically standing still to get hit.

Hu Bing’s face changed immediately, of course they couldn’t just not move any more. They immediately tried to find cover to prepare to fight back.

He used a tree trunk as cover as he retreated while trying to dodge the veterans’ bullets. He then shouted at his mic to the four soldiers that already went behind the enemy lines, “Come back and help!”

However, just as he finished talking, the back of his helmet was hit by an empty shell.


“Hu Bing, out!”

Hu Bing just stood there, dumbfounded, and behind him appeared a man. With a pistol in hand, Xu Cheng grinned and said to him, “You should count, I still had two more bullets in my mag.”

Hu Bing’s eyes were busting with flames.


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