The Typhoon's Dangerous Wife

Chapter 125 - Things We Need To Teach And Learn

Back at Zhenyi\'s side. 

"Mya, "Zhenyi suddenly said.

" Yes?" The girl responded, still figuring out the mystery behind her eyes. 

"What are you trying to figure out?" Zhenyi said as if reading her mind. 

"Your eyes," she blurted before she could stop herself. She looked at her father who was scowling at her and then at Zhenyi who had an amused smile playing on her lips. 

"Ah, it\'s a mystery I\'m still trying to figure out," Zhenyi honestly said. "Thank you for the tea. You brew a very nice tea." 

"You\'re welcome. My dad says a lady should have excellent tea brewing skills. My future husband will appreciate it," Mya shyly said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 

He Xiang looked at her daughter proudly. Indeed he taught her daughter well. Such virtuous and moral lady he had raised. 

Behind Zhenyi, Fan Bingbing rolled her eyes. Zhenyi was right. Be a proper lady and serve their husbands! 

That was what they taught these aristocratic women. 

"Does he? " Zhenyi glanced at He Xiang. "Did your dad also tell you what to do if your future husband doesn\'t like tea? Or if he doesn\'t appreciate you or any of your talents?" 

Though Zhenyi raised the question in a very light tone, its impact was far and wide. Why did we women specifically need a husband to appreciate us and our talents?

And most importantly, why are we taught to please our husbands? Mutual respect and efforts in a relationship are one thing but spending all your life to be a perfect wife, an excellent mother, and an impressive daughter-in-law is another? 

Where is her life as a woman? As her? 

You don\'t have any answers. No one has either. And why is it not so surprising? 

He Xiang tried to spoke, "Miss Xin--" 

"President He, your lessons and teachings are a little old school. As your well-wisher, I\'m updating your outdated teachings. The syllabus has changed and so has the time," Zhenyi said with a smile. 

"Or perhaps, my Bà was little more ahead of the time," She added after a pause. 

Zhenyi\'s statement moved He Xiang but what she was talking about was not relevant in Asian societies. Mya was his daughter, the apple of his eyes and how could he not plan for her future? 

As a father, it was his duty as well his responsibility to look for a proper and suitable man for his daughter. His daughter was naive and still a little girl, what did she know about her well-being? 

He Xiang\'s eyes darted towards his daughter and a flicker of warmth was traced in his eyes as he spoke, "I raised her as well as I can. Raising a motherless child is not an easy job. I\'m shielding her future by fixing her marriage in Du family." He paused and looked at Zhenyi. " God forbid if I were to die tomorrow who will look after my daughter? My brothers are eyeing my business and if I really died tomorrow my daughter will be the ultimate sufferer." 

It was not He Xiang --the business men\'s words but Mya\'s father. 

"To all the fathers, who thinking arranging their daughter\'s marriage to a man she never met before will save their lives, what makes you think so?" Zhenyi scoffed. 

No matter how much she loved her Bà, he also did something like this. But if she didn\'t have a goal for marrying Long Jie, no power in the world would have forced her to concede to the marriage pact. 

He Xiang sighed, a complicated look in his eyes as he said, "You won\'t be able to understand a father\'s heart. I want nothing but my daughter\'s well-being." He pointed his finger at Zhenyi and added, " And you Miss Zhenyi, Air china is just another accession for you to add into your list of glorious acquisitions, but to me, it\'s the product of my sweat and life-long hard work." 

Fan Bingbing\'s breath hitched in her throat as he saw He Xiang\'s pointed finger at Zhenyi. 

\'Is he courting his death?\' 

\'Goddammit, she promised Master Yichen no more blood after Zhenyi\'s recent stunt of the bomb blast.\' 

Surprisingly nothing happened. Zhenyi didn\'t respond like the way she anticipated. 

She sighed in relief. 

Zhenyi stared at He Xiang. "It was never about adding it to my long list of proud acquisition. It\'s a war, Mr. He. Du Zheng started a war and I\'m a Xin, my father never taught me to walk away from the war. But you can walk away from this war you have no part in. Air China and your daughter will be collateral damage in this war."

If one had to ask who was feeling the most troubled right now, it had to be Mya. Did they even notice they were talking about her? Did they even ask if she was willing to marry anyone? For crying out loud, she was just seventeen. 

Moreover, Zhenyi questioned her upbringing and she didn\'t know how to react to it. She should be offended but why she was not? 

"You will not back out neither will Du Zheng. But here you come to me and tell me to back out and protect myself. I\'ve heard about you, Miss Xin, you are not a person who thinks about other\'s welfare. What\'s your benefit in warning me? " 

"Ah, a smart man." Zhenyi smiled. " If I don\'t get the Air china, neither will Du Zheng. And if he doesn\'t get it, he will be parading like a mad bull on rampant and I love watching my enemies antagonized. You won\'t understand, it\'s a different kind of thrill that you business and profit-minded people will never understand." 

"Please keep my daughter out of it." He Xiang said helplessly. 

"You involved her in the equation. I like Mya. She reminds me of myself somehow. Strange," Zhenyi answered and passed the file to He Xiang. She knew the deal between him and Du Zheng wouldn\'t be taking place after he checked it out. Hence, what\'s the harm in imparting four words of enlightenment to this dumbhead. " Don\'t shield her He Xiang, teach her how to defend herself. She doesn\'t need a man to shield hers. Tell her there is a warrior inside her. She just needs to unleash her. Before educating her on how to become a proper lady, enlighten her on how to become a woman instead. A woman people fear and respect. A woman who knows her worth. A woman who doesn\'t need others appreciation to define her worth." 

In short, the narcissist Zhenyi was telling him to teach her how to be her. 

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