Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 584: Big Brother, Do Not Resist

Chapter 584: Big Brother, Do Not Resist

After telling Chiffon about his overwhelming victory against the Elves, the little girl found herself dozing back to sleep.

William then laid her back on the bed and held her tight. In order to prevent any bad dreams from plaguing her, he decided to use his Incubus Job Class, and used his Dreamwalker skill to enter her dream.

A few seconds after his skill activated, William found himself staring at a gaping mouth, with rows of yellowing teeth. Clearly, whoever was planning to eat him didn’t care for their dental health.

William hurriedly summoned Stormcaller and aimed it at the mouth that was closing down on him.

“Quick Shot War Art, Fourth Form!” William roared. “Grand Bazooka!”

A powerful blast of lightning exploded at the tip of Stormcaller and blasted the Giant’s mouth to oblivion.

The Giant uttered a guttural cry of pain before losing its hold on William. The Half-Elf switched his Job Class to Elemental Lord and floated in the air.

According to his estimate, the Giant was only at the peak of the Centennial Rank, so it was something that he could defeat with his current level of power.

(A/N: Even if William switched Job Classes in the dream, his Dream Walker skill will still be active, because it is just a dream.)

After bombarding the giant with several Grand Bazooka’s, it finally fell to the ground dead. After killing his foe, William hurriedly ran towards the unconscious, and gravely injured, little giant girl that was lying in the snow.

William felt his heart aching as he gazed at the Giant Chiffon who was in a very sorry state.

“Greater Healing!” William cast the Life Mage’s strongest healing spell at his disposal in every part of Chiffon’s body.

Even though Chiffon was a “little giant”, in her dream, she was still five-meters tall, and had a very high resistance to magic spells. Unfortunately, the effect of healing magic was also lessened due to this attribute.

It took William a quarter of an hour to fully heal the giantess’ injuries before she opened her eyes to look at him.

“Big Brother!” Chiffon grabbed William with both hands. “Are you alright?! Are you hurt anywhere?!”

“D-Don’t grip me too tight. It hurts,” William said in a pained voice, which made Chiffon loosen her grip on him.

William panted for breath as he laid on top of Chiffon’s left palm. The pink-haired giant looked at him closely to check his body for injuries. Aside from tears on William’s clothes and bruises, the man seemed to be perfectly fine.

It didn’t take long for William to notice that his current form was the silver-haired adult William from his dreams. However, he didn’t think much of it.

He always had this form whenever he went inside a dream, so he was used to it by now.

“Are you really alright, Big Brother?”

“Yes. Your brother is strong, you know?”

As if to prove his point, William used the Greater Healing spell to remove the bruises and other hidden injuries in his body.

After showing Chiffon that he was perfectly fine, the pink-haired-giant placed William on her shoulder, before picking up the pinecones, and snowberries, that she had foraged earlier.

“Let’s get out of here, Big Brother,” Chiffon said. “It’s no longer safe here.”

William nodded his head in agreement. He didn’t know the place very well, and the Dream World was filled with many uncertainties. There were occasions when he had accompanied Wendy and Ashe in their dreams and they ended up appearing in battlefields, surrounded by enemies.

While the two were eating, William noticed that Chiffon was giving him side-long glances. The giantess would often look at him while eating berries. He clearly felt a chill run down his spine, because the gaze that Chiffon gave him was something very familiar to him.

It was that curious gaze that she would often have, when she looked at something that she had never eaten before.

While William was thinking of these things, Chiffon moved closer to him and picked him up.

“Big Brother, can I have a taste?” Chiffon asked. Her eyes were looking at William with a serious expression. “Just an arm will do. I just want to know what Big Brother tastes like.”

Before William could even give a reply, Chiffon had already opened her mouth.

William abruptly opened his eyes. At that exact moment, he felt something soft, and wet on his shoulder.

The sleeping girl beside him was gnawing on his left arm. Although it wasn’t painful, and even ticklish, William wasn’t able to stop his body from shuddering. The Half-Elf hurriedly backed away in fright.

The reason?

Chiffon was the embodiment of Gluttony. Even in her sleeping state, there was a high chance that she would really bite his arm off if her instinct kicked in.

“Big Brother, do not resist,” Chiffon said in her sleep. “Just an arm is fine. I promise I won’t eat your other body parts… maybe.”

The corner of William’s lips twitched. He then approached the sleeping girl and lightly pinched her cheeks.

“You dare eat your Big Brother?” William snorted. “See how I punish you later when you wake up. I won’t be giving you any lollipops anytime soon!”

Chiffon’s nose wrinkled and her eyes trembled. It was as if William’s threats had reached her in the Dreamworld. She no longer said anything about eating his arm, or any of his body parts. Instead, she slept peacefully as if everything that happened was just an illusion.

William sighed and laid two feet away from the sleeping glutton. He didn’t dare lay beside her, while Chiffon was still in her dreamstate. It was better to be safe than sorry. For now, William thought of ways to prevent the same thing from happening again.

He often slept beside Chiffon, and had already gotten used to hugging her to sleep. The girl was also afraid of sleeping alone, because she often had nightmares whenever she slept.

‘Maybe this is just a one time thing,’ William thought. However, he was still feeling anxious, so he decided to ask the System for advice.

‘System, what are the chances of’ Chiffon eating me in her sleep?’ William inquired. He knew that the system’s high-speed calculations would be able to think of different scenarios and possibilities in a matter of seconds.

[ The chances of Chiffon eating the host in her sleep is Zero Percent! ]

‘Um? Why is it Zero Percent? Does that mean I am safe even if I sleep beside her? She won’t eat me?’

[ Host. Chiffon had already attempted to eat you several times. However, she has always held back at the last second. ]

‘Hyeok!’ William almost choked on his saliva after hearing the System’s words. He then pressed the System for an explanation, and the latter showed him footage when Chiffon and him slept together.

As William looked at the recorded images, he saw Chiffon open her mouth several times and attempted to bite him in his sleep. However, those attempts ended midway because the pink-haired girl would subconsciously halt her action when her lips touched William’s body.

At most, she would just lean her lips on William’s clothes, and her drool would wash over him. After seeing this scene, William now understood why there were times when he would wake up in the morning, with his clothes drenched in Chiffon’s saliva.

He thought that this was a normal thing because even he would drool from time to time when he was asleep. William wasn’t expecting that those drool-stained clothes were evidence that the sleeping girl beside him had attempted to take a bite of him during his sleep.

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