Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 108 - John Vs John

As I closed the doors, I turned towards the hospital hallways, it was empty, yet fully lit by the ceiling lights. As I stared at my reflection through the glass, I noticed that I was in my old body. But I didn\'t care 

I began to walk to walk around, and on the first right turn, there was a seat, with a girl sitting on it. 

Without saying anything, I approached the girl, it was elena, the very last girl I saw before I died. Thinking back, I\'m not sure if I regret how things have ended up, but that\'s not the matter right now. 

Her depressed expression changed as into a tearful smile as she saw me, "John! You\'re awake!" She shouted as she ran up towards me and jumped to give me a hug. 

As tears streamed her face she muttered, "Thank god... You\'re finally awake... I\'ve been waiting for so lon-" 

"Let go." I calmly said 

"Eh? What do you mean?" She asked with a confused expression 

"Don\'t use her face. It\'s a waste of time. Get on with the trial." I continued. 

"J-John? W-What do you mean?" She asked with a saddenned expression 

"You know, for something that\'s looking over my memories and mind, you\'re pretty slow. I said get off of my mind." 

Without even realising it, I started to let out my bloodlust, I was mad, really mad. 

"Hoh... you seem colder, did splitting our personality which had merged caused this? Or has this always been your true nature..." 

The voice came from behind me, it was the voice of a kid. Right when I was about to turn around, everything around me was covered in darkness, there was only one source of light, and it was coming from me. 

However, it turns out I didn\'t need to turn around. Despite it being dark, I could see the young figure of the me from my new reincarnated body right in front of me. 

"Who are you?" I asked 

"I\'m you, or more precisely, we merged and became one." He said 

Merged and became one...? What\'s he talking about 

"Ah, you probably haven\'t realised it since you quickly adapted to your new body. But in summary, our personalities merged when our bodies merged, and right now, we\'ve separated and your normal personality is back, for now at least..." He said 

Merging personalities? And my personality returned to normal...? Strange, even though it\'s back to normal, I feel the same as always, is it because I got so used to it? 

Wait does that mean I took over this kids body after I died? 

"Not really, I was going to die either way. So in a way, you saved me." He said 

Crap now he\'s reading my mind... What the hell is going on. 

"What happened?" I asked 

"Hmm... If you beat me in a fight, I\'ll tell you, but if you lose... I\'ll take over your soul" He said with a smile 

Suddenly, my body changed back to normal, as in the reincarnated one, and so did the kid, his body changed into one identical to mine, with only a slightly darker qualities in the hair and clouded dark pupils like master. 


"Hey... There\'s been no signs of him... Is he really okay?" Serena asked 

"M-Maybe, I should go down there and check on him..." muttered ariel as she was about to walk towards the edge 

She was stopped by master who said 

"If you go there, not only you, but he will die. We are here to make sure that no one interrupts the trial. The best we could do is watch." 

Ariel who understood this walked back, she leaned on the wall with her head hung. Meanwhile Serena was just quiet 

Everyone was quietly waiting 


In the pitch-black darkness, there stood John and his other self 

John was unsure whether or not to make the first move, but could tell that his other self was definitely interested in killing him. 

Without wasting any time, John entered the defensive stance, he planned on assessing this other guy\'s strength. At the same time, John was wondering whether or not it was the right choice. 

After all, it wasn\'t John\'s Original body, his soul probably entered it and took over it when he died, nonetheless, John knew that everyone was waiting for him, if he suddenly gave up because something like, I\'m not the original owner of the body 

Serena would have gotten mad at him while saying things like "If you steal it it\'s yours!" while Ariel would have also gotten mad, although John couldn\'t imagine what she\'d say, or do. 

"Sorry, we could share the body, but until I find a way to separate us, you\'re stuck with me" Said John with a smile 

"Haha, say that after you beat me, Fake." Said the shadow with an evil smile before disappearing 

Confused, John turned around and the shadow was right behind him with a swing already in action. Using the blade of his dagger, john diverted the swing to the right, but at the same time, the shadow managed to send a kick straight at John\'s head which john blocked while using his left palm 

As the shadow was falling an orange orb was formed right above him. Surprised by the shadow\'s sudden action, John recognised that spell and knew what was coming. He cast a defense spell as fast as he could 

"Verum Scutum Glacies" Transalation: True Ice Shield 

"Causa Satani tenebris" Translation: Dark explosion 

The orb suddenly turned black and exploded 

Inside of the smoke, john locked on to the shadow\'s presence using magic perception and deprehendre. 

The shadow wasn\'t moving, John used this as an opportunity to organise his thoughts, Over the fight, he saw that the shadow could not only use chant less magic, but the dark element, something that john\'s master hadn\'t taught him. 

He was also using the dark move, shadow step which master usually used, which is how John was able to sense his location after teleporting. 

When john was just about done with organising his thoughts, the shadow\'s presence moved 

He quickly turned around, but the shadow\'s presence wasn\'t him, he then looked up and the shadow was going straight down at him from above 

"Tenebris flammae" The shadow said with an evil smile Translation: Dark Flames 

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