The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 219

[Headline: First-ever Platinum Quest]

The next day arrived faster than usual. Out in the capital, at daybreak – when citizens rushed over to the business and commercial district for work; newspapers sold quickly. It might not have looked apparent at first, the influence of Adventurers and guild had grown over the years. As famed and popular as mages were at one point, that spot was slowly taken by the born fighters with the inhuman potential. For many, that line of work was a dream, one that many wanted to partake despite the dangers.

“First platinum quest to be completed,” boys ran around the streets trying to sell issues.” Located near the town square, the heart of the capital from where every district could be reached from – small cabinets with papers had opened. The words platinum quest had piqued the interest of many potential buyers.

‘The fantasy of being the first to accomplish a tier-one quest has been claimed. Not by a top-guild, but one of the lower and lesser-known guilds: Kniq. Details about the exact quest have been kept confidential. An interview with the guild master has given a vague idea of what transpired. The closed border leading to the south has been subjected to an onslaught of monster’s activity. The aforementioned guild’s involvement in stopping the siege was imperative. For three months, the guild fought day and night to keep our border safe. From tier-10 to tier-3 monsters, they fought tirelessly to save us all.’ A summary of what the news had written was read out loud by Undrar.

“They also go on to quote us from our interview,” Deadeyes pointed out. Sat around a lovely breakfast with newspapers on the table, they read and smiled for it was a great honor to be the headline of today’s news.

“The fight was long and hard. Though in the end, with the power of teamwork – we survived the assault,” – Avon [Sapphire].


“At times I thought death had had me in its eyesight. Nevertheless, a pull of the trigger later, all my fears fired alongside the bullet,” – Deadeyes [Steel].

“To save others and protect what is precious, tis the job of a hero,” – Achilles [Silver].

“As powerful as we might have been, if it wasn’t for a well-established plan of action, we’d had died without a time to refute,” – Viola [Silver].

“Many comrades were lost, but their memories live on in our memories.” – Emma[Sapphire].

“To endure and power through, that was the teaching given by our guild leader,” – Emmy[Sapphire].

After the quotes, the article went into further details about the fights. This information was directed mostly towards aspiring adventurers. Having a firm idea of how things were done could be the deciding factor between life and death. At the end, written in a smaller font, no quotes from Kniq’s guild leader. Thus, being the first party to accomplish such a feat, their name would be forever etched into history. The reaction from said news had taken the capital by stride. Many were amazed by the details of the fight. The standards to which the protectors had to follow was raised. Many of the top-guilds were gutted by said news, though it remained behind closed doors.

“They might quote us, but none really know our faces do they,” Achilles commented then sipped tea.

“You’re right, it’s probably for the better,” Undrar agreed.

A few meters away, stood on the first floor in the hallway, Staxius waited with a bag filled with books. ‘I wish I had more time to spend with Xula yesterday,’ he sighed, ‘-I did manage to get the scholar to make me a sword similar to Orenmir, Blood Blade of the Queen. It might take a few days; we’ll have to wait and see.’ After returning to Pandora last night – the Lymsey sister took refuge and slept in the lab. As silent as a cat, he teleported to Arda where a stern-looking Xula waited. The supposed one-week trip turned into months. A little angry, he got given the silent treatment. Nevertheless, after flattery and compliments, breaking through that adorable, angry side of Xula – they made up with a shared passionate night. Before the sun awoke, Staxius returned for there were things to be settled.

“I’m sorry for being such a bad husband, you deserve better,” cuddled under a blanket, he whispered with regret in the tone. A vivid piece of memory that carried over to the next day.

“It’s fine,” she caressed his hair and face, “-you’re working hard for both my and the kingdom’s sake. How it hurts to be away from he who stole my heart,” a kiss later, “-I don’t mind it one bit. Do what must be done, thou shalt always have a home to return. Tis my job as a wife to welcome thee with open arms,” a smile followed by the scent of flowers, Xula’s generosity knew no bounds.

“Living a normal life isn’t in our fate,” he sighed, “-you’re a queen and the heir to the god of death. Excepting normality is a dream, however, I vow to always stand by thy side,” their fingers interlocked, face to face, he smiled and she blushed, “-I adore you so much, queen of my heart and soul, I adore you...”

“Wake up...” the daydream broke by Lizzie’s voice.

“Oh, sorry about that,” the prior night’s memories returned to the back of the mind. The love that built between the king and queen transcended what people deemed as normal. Both felt exactly the same way, despite not having time to spend with one another. Each moment allowed was precious – what they had was unconditional love. To love without condition, each wanted the other’s happiness and expected nothing in return. Selfless and noble – the bond wasn’t tied to the mortal realm either, it reached their soul as well. Not to forget, Staxius was the conduit for Xula, channeling her power and returning her status as Angel wasn’t a mere act of kindness. He had done something worth much more than words and actions. In Xula’s case, she gave Staxius a new purpose, a new will, and a new mindset. A change that made him into a better person, a change he’d never forget for it was the best thing to ever happen. In that sense, both were saviors to one another, the love story of an angel and the heir to a god.

“It’s fine,” Lizzie spoke with a smile, her uniform, one of white and golden color – the one that was previously torn now replaced.

“Shall we leave?” he offered.

“After we say good-bye to the others,” she smiled, thus their arrival at the hotel’s eatery.

“Morning everyone,” Lizzie spoke with a big smile.

“Morning Lizzie, morning master,” the others returned said greeting.

“I see the newspaper has our name on it,” Staxius pointed to which Avon lent his copy. The chatter continued as if old friends. A few minutes later, Auic descended from her room with a lunchbox.

“Sorry I’m late,” she said whilst panting, her face covered in sweat.

“It’s fine,” Lizzie reassured the fox-lady then took the box.

“Master...” confused, Auic needed answers.

“I forgot to say,” he cleared his throat and gained the table’s attention. “-Starting today, I’ve decided to embrace my duty as Lizzie’s guardian. Change is sure to come; I hope everyone is ready – that platinum quest we accomplished has opened new avenues,” the voice soothing and filled with determination.

“What about the twins then?” Undrar asked, “-from what I found out, they don’t have a place to call home any longer,” her concern was well-founded.

“Good point,” he returned her question with a smile, “-Kniq is a big family. Atop being a guild, we’re one big unit – the twins might not have a home yet,” a quick pause later, “-that is to say that, the change will come. Best be ready, my friends, my comrades, you best be ready – we shall soon enter a new age,” Staxius spoke with a leader’s vigor.

“We’ll trust you,” Achilles replied with a smile, they nodded in agreement.

“It’s getting rather late, I’ll see you all later. If anything comes up, do reach out – I shall be at Pandora, I think,” wearing the same clothes as yesterday, the duo entered Void and headed off to school.

“Something has changed,” Deadeyes commented.

“I think so, yeah,” Undrar agreed.

“Let’s not forget that Staxius is still twenty or so,” Avon added.

“Age is just a number,” Auic interjected, “-in my opinion, I think master is standing up to his many responsibilities. As he said, change is underway, we all can but wait and see,” breakfast continued.

“Are you going to come and fetch me later?” Auic asked, her face could barely keep with her smile, one big and large.

“Yes,” he replied kindly, “-I’ll try to be as regular as I can. Though, if something comes up, I’ll make sure to send a message,” he took out the phone, “-Is that alright?”

“Sound good,” she took out hers and exchanged details.

“If I don’t respond, contact Auic,”

“Don’t worry,” Lizzie pouted, “-it’s not like this is the first time I’m doing this.”

“I guess not,” he chuckled then patted her head.

“What are you doing up so early,” Adete awoke from her slumber.

“See for yourself,” the car drove forth. An hour later, they arrived, the roads were jammed for the most part. A normal part of life here.

“Here we are,” he voiced, the car came to a slow stop before the gate.

“Check that car out,” the students pointed at Void, “-it must be so expensive,” they commented. “Whoever that student is, must come from a rich family – I’d not be surprised if they were royalty,” the chatter came from a group of students that waited for their comrades to arrive. Judging by their tie, they were in the same grade as Lizzie.

“I’ll see you later,” Staxius said to which the door opened.

“Later,” she replied with a joyful smile, “-don’t forget to call if anything happens,” her head tilted to the right slightly, then pulled out a peace-sign, after which, she walked away.

‘I wonder who she learned that from,’ the car sped forth. As opposed to reluctantly enter her classroom, Lizzie arrived with glee on her face. Being cared for by Staxius had done more than he’d thought.

‘Now it’s time to go buy the place where Kniq can finally live in peace. I wonder who should I call, Raulf or Cake,’ parked underneath an array of trees lined on the sidewalk, Staxius leaned on the hood and had a cigar. Leaves from the branches fell slowly to the ground, it seemed as if snow, peaceful and idyllic.

*Beep,* the phone rang suddenly.

“Hello?” he asked with no idea to who had called.

“Good morning Staxius,” a feminine voice spoke, “-it’s me, Melisa,” she voiced.

“Is something the matter?”

“Yes, could you come by the guild as soon as possible, the guild master has requested thy presence.”

“On my way,” the phone hung. ‘Must be the reward for all those monsters I have slain.’ Rather than driving back, he teleported just shy of the guild, none noticed for it was done in an alley barely large enough to fit Void.

‘What’s this all about,’ the car pulled up against the entrance, he stepped out. A crowd of adventurers waited and spoke as if something major had happened. “Pardon me,” he called and made his way through the crowd.

‘What the hell,’ stood near the counter, Raulf crossed his arms and had a giant sword embedded into the floor. “None shall come forth till the Guild leader of Kniq has made himself present,” he voiced strongly.

“Have you called?” the voice monotonous and face unimpressed, he walked and stood before Raulf.

“There you are,” from serious, the face changed into one friendly, “-where have you been,” they embraced. “We’ve got many things to discuss,” the giant sword lifted as if feather. The man stepped away strongly. Baffled, Staxius stared Diane and Melisa in search of answers. The former shrugged whilst the latter mumbled, ‘I don’t know.’ Obliged to follow, he continued. Behind, the gathering crowd rushed the counter since quests were displayed a few seconds earlier. ‘This could not have come at a better time,’ Staxius thought. The door opened – Raulf sat with a gentle smile.

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