The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 294

“MAJESTY,” a maid rushed and tripped as she ran down the stairs.

“What’s the matter?” able to prevent serious injuries, Staxius caught her and asked. “It’s Queen Shanna, she requests thy presence.”

“My presence?” visibly shaken, “-o-ok,” nervousness, a plethora of emotions, climbing the stairs felt harder than attaining divinity. A few twists and turns later, “-over here,” called a nurse. A crowd gathered around the bedchamber, mainly maids and those closest to her. ‘This feeling,’ a few deep breaths later, ‘-if she needs me, I’ll help however way I can,’ entering the room felt as if another realm. Laid on the bed covered with a white cloth, Xula’s face glistened with sweat, her eyes lost its vigor. It had been a few minutes, her eyes kept on changing colors from blue to red to green, dark black at times.

“STAXIUS,” yelled whilst she pushed, “-GET THE FUCK OVER HERE, OR ARE YOU GOING TO COWER NEAR THE DOOR,” giving a smirk, her face couldn’t but show how much pain she was in.

‘Always trying to look out for me,’ focused, he rushed to stand by her side.

“Don’t look so distraught,” resting, “-It will be fine,” she smiled despite the hardship ahead.


“Focus on you,” patting her head, “-I’m here,” holding her hand, the delivery took more than a few minutes. Soon, it reached an hour, scratch marks, nail inside his arms – Xula’s long fight ended in victory. Cries echoed down the room. Anxious, the midwife quickly placed the babe onto Xula’s chest – feeling each other, it helped in soothing the wife’s worries and babe’s cries. Rosy-red with green hair and what seemed to be small wings – fairy wings which were not attached to her back; semi-transparent. A halo made of transparent gemstones hovered above her head, the mana was powerful and pure, closest to divine than human and even angelic.

Left asunder, Staxius stood as if a statue, consciousness faded in and out. A sudden drop in blood pressure, the sight of blood never affected him before. That all changed, as he nearly passed out from the stimulus. “Come here,” whispered Xula, “-look at her,” peacefully asleep, the newborn babe. Sat upright and held in a cradle, “-y-yeah,” he whispered and caressed the babe’s forehead.

Overwhelmed, one of the nurses ran out into the hall and yelled, “-IT’S A BABY GIRL!” stomping could be felt from outside in, the news spread in a matter of an instant. Nobles, representatives – from corner to corner, it traveled.

“The heir to Arda has been born,” said Staxius who sat close to Xula, she rested her head against his shoulder.

“Yes,” she smiled, “-the true blood heir of Arda. Not that it matters, we’ll never subject them to the harsh world of politics. When time comes for said line to be crossed, we do it together.”

“I agree,” admiring the girl, “-what should we name her and what family name will she use?”

“Lizzie Elmbush Haggard.”

“Elmbush is your real name, one that only the chosen can dare to speak,” turned with a serious tone, “-are you sure it wise?”

“Yeah,” she smiled, “-it’s not as if anyone has the right to call her by Elmbush – we’ve given birth to a half-fairy. See the aura that shines around her head, it’s the sign of being blessed by the Fairy-Goddess. Look on her arm, she bares the scythe of the death reaper. We might have given birth to a princess of death,” she laughed.

“Princess of Death,” unimpressed, he facepalmed as if a joke, “-I better let the midwife take care of the afterbirth. Take it easy,” stepping away, “-are you sure about her having the name Haggard instead of Islegust?”

“She already bears similarity to me than you, call it compensation,” her reply was one of smugness and pride.

“Honestly,” he laughed, “-I see it already,” stood in the middle, “-you both are going to become the bane of my existence,” said in jest, she returned the gaze with a wink.

“You bet we will,” she voiced smugly as Staxius left.

‘Elmbush, not that I know that much about fairies. Supposedly, it’s not rare for fairies to have offspring with humans and other creatures. It’s the same for demi-gods and half-demons. Sharing the name Elmbush means that Lizzie will directly inherit her mother’s power bit by bit. I wonder what kind of magical element she has inherited. The mark of the Death Reaper. Better phone Eira, Claudia, Undrar, and maybe Josiah.’ Closing the door behind, the crowd kept on increasing, the head-butler waited in the center.

“Majesty,” he bowed, “-how’s queen Shanna doing?” hidden behind asking news of Xula, what they wanted most was to know of the babe’s name.

“Queen Shanna is a little fatigued, and for the babe, Second Princess of Arda, Lizzie Haggard, has taken fondly to her mother,” said the king proudly.

“Thank you for indulging our curiosity,” people kept on coming, various races and unfamiliar faces – one after the other, the hallway was jammed packed. Even the Captain of the Royal guards stood with a sword at his hip.

“Everyone,” speaking loudly, “-I think it best to not perturb Queen Shanna and the newly born princess. It would be wise to let them have a moment of peace and rest – as a celebration, given how late it is,” calling on the butler, “-throw a feast with what we have in the kitchen for the maids, butlers, guards and any who has worked tirelessly. A day of celebration for all who were closest and assisted her majesty in my absence. I’m grateful to have thee all.”

“Thine words are wasted on us whomst have sworn to thy care,” fired the butler.

“Bite thy tongue,” he glared, “-tis, not a time to be humble – credit must be given to who it’s due. The words come from mine heart, nothing more, nothing less.”

“LONG LIVE THE KING!” they cheered.

“SHUT UP,” screamed the head-maid with round glasses and hair braided to one side.

“We better move,” whispered Staxius, “-even a legion of hard-trained soldiers can’t hope to defeat a lady when she’s mad.”

“You speak the truth,” voiced one of the butlers, “-women are far scarier than gazing into the abyss,” mild laughter led out into the grand hall were awaited representatives with teleportation ring.

“Congratulations,” said Serene with five individuals behind. Stopped, the butlers and maids continued to the kitchen where the late-night feast was to be prepared. It was decided for an all-nighter to be hosted as celebrations.

“Serene,” turning to the nightwalkers, “-Lord Balthazar, Lady Aurora, Lady Julia, Lord Alaric, and Lady Gabrielle, you didn’t have to make it instantly to the palace.”

Relaxed with smiles, the nightwalkers held a deep feeling of affection, “-the palace seems to be as lively as in the morning,” added Aurora, “-you must know that we thrive in the night.”

“Do apologize if I forgot,” not composed nor relaxed, the usual blank expression was one of joy and bliss.

“Even the hardest man can change on the day he becomes a father,” added Balthazar with a smile.

“Majesty,” knelt, “-here’s a present from Sabbath,” holding out an ornamental sword, her gaze kept at his feet. One by one, each clan gave gifts for the newborn.

“I’m grateful for the generosity,” waving to a maid, the gifts were taken into a separate room.

“Forgive my asking,” *Cough,* “-is the babe a nightwalker?” asked Gabrielle.

“Oh...” taking a step back, “-I forgot to check. Her aura was immense, more overpowering, and stronger than some adults I know. She’s half-fairy. It’s been a few hours; I haven’t had the time to see if she bares the fangs of a vampire. Just for reference, how does one know if a babe is a vampire?”

“It depends,” turning to Balthazar, they murmured amidst themselves for the answer, “-the most common sign is if she’s born with wings,” replied Serene.

“Oh, about that,” facing Serene, “-she has fairy wings. To be honest, I’d rather her be a fairy opposed to a nightwalker – the latter forces one onto the path of blood whilst the former is to admire and live with the forest.”

“It’s understandable, the Blood-king doesn’t wish for his progeny to follow the path of bloodshed. I think any parent would make that decision,” said Alaric.

“It’s not that I don’t want her to follow the path of bloodshed, I’d rather keep her away. Chatting about the future isn’t suited for a celebration – come on into the hall, the maids and butlers are throwing a celebratory party.”

“Thanks for the offer,” bowed Serene, “-however, there’s business we must attend to at Noctis’s Hallow,” they vanished in a bat-shaped mist.

‘I forgot,’ outside a full-moon lightened the area. Phone in hand, the news of Lizzie’s birth was given to those concerned. Even Gallienne got a call. From drowsy to energetic, Eira’s reaction was one unexpected. “I’M A BIG SISTER?” yelled, her dorm awoke with yawns. “W-WHEN, W-WHY, H-HOW?”

“Do I have to explain how one is to partake in the ritual of bonding?” he asked with a polite voice, her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

“N-No, come on father, that’s not something you should discuss with a virtuous maiden.”

“Better be virtuous,” the tone had an impact, “-I swear if thou art deflowered...”

“No need to add more, father, come on, I have got that much commonsense. Besides, I’ve no interest in men at the moment, I wish to only study and catch up to you as soon as possible.”

“I’ll ask Josiah if it’s possible to get you some time off, I’m sure Lizzie would like to see her elder sister.”

“Thanks, father,” the call ended.

Sunday the 17th of November, Lizzie Elmbush Haggard was born to the royal family of Arda. Third in line to the throne, after her sister – under normal circumstances, she would have been the direct heir to the throne. Arda went by its own rule, thus the current standing. A stressful day turned into one chaotic. Celebrations went on till dawn, drunk, some were seen sleeping on the kitchen floor with bottles of wine. Staxius, on the other hand, stood guard, not having an ounce of sleep – the mind kept on going back and forth. The beginning of a tough first two months. Without consulting with Xula, Staxius took command and headed to her office. Thanks to Serene and the Old Sage; and in agreement with the nobles – behind the queen’s back, the King took over the formal work. Checking paperwork, agreeing on policies, foreseeing potential troubles in the future – a tough job.

Dropping the news to Cake, she understood the situation – a break of around three weeks to get by the toughest stage. As for the adventuring voluntary work; a call to Josiah and it was canceled. Taking over Xula’s responsibility was a priority – she needed rest.

“Congratulation, I’m sure the students will be glad to forgo the idea of learning how it is to fight monsters.”

“Come on,” he voiced, “-I never said I was going to abandon the idea of teaching those kids. Eira will come to visit in the coming days, her bringing a few friends won’t be that difficult. The Ardanians are more welcoming to allow humans now – it’s a change that took a few months to accomplish. It might not be for too long, but I’m sure the guild here will suffice plenty.”

“You’re right,” he chuckled, “-I completely forgot that you’re the guild master of Arda. Then it’s settled, I’ll get the necessary papers ready. Thanks for not breaking their trust, nephew, I guess I’m a grandfather now?”

“You were already a grandfather when I took in Eira,” the call ended.

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