The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 448

“Don’t know and don’t care,” grinned Staxius,”-let’s just cause damage on our end.”

The outpost before had scouts scream for intruders. The machine gun fired without discrimination. Most missed for the duo dodged. Captain Lo, sat further up inside a well-built tent, peaked with a rifle in hand.

“Captain!” the sound of gunfire resounded behind the injured messenger, “-two intruders have breached the first squad. They’re being killed as we speak.”

“I knew it would happen,” he smiled shrewdly, “-order the outer outposts to make for us right away.”

“CAPTAIN!” came another, “-reports from the East and West army. One was breached by ladies in armor while the other has around 2000 men cutting the head of any who walked. Guns or swords aren’t affected, we suspect them to be Ghouls.”

“Signal the Captains to retreat. As for the remainder force, tell them to fight to the last men. Thee are the last line of defense before the general, MAKE US PROUD!”


“YES SIR,” they screamed to go deliver the messages.

‘I wonder if will please his holiness,’ wondered Captain Lo jumping on horseback.

“Captain Lo,” said another dressed in the same attire, “-I see that the plan has worked.” They galloped towards the gorge.

“Captain Guneo, how’s the outpost?”

“Honestly speaking, I never expected ghouls to show up in thousands. I suppose his holiness counted in it being a tough fight.”

“Yes, that much is true,” added Lo presumptuously.

“Captain Lo, Captain Guneo,” hailed another from the left to join their group, “-you made it out alive.”

“Captain Hao, don’t make it sound as if we’re weak.”

“I mean, we could have taken that man by our lonesome...”

“No, Captain Hao, we’re not going to underestimate the man whom the holiness has deemed a danger. I’m to expect there are higher-being coming to the mortal plane today.”

“Was what his holiness told about the god coming to us true?” wondered Guneo holding tight.

“It was what I was told, tis the reason we’re retreating.” Just as he said so, a shot like figure flashed by their side leaving a trail of rocks and dust.

“Was that?”

“Yes, tis his holiness. I supposed the extermination process is underway. Let’s return to the Commander, he must be waiting for our arrival.”

“Let’s,” thus, the captains headed to the second base of operation.

Leading up to today, many forces had worked in the shadows for the opportune moment. The fate of Staxius Haggard, he who dethroned and broke the Kreston’s belief and way of life was very much shunned. The hate made way towards the place of origin. The continent of Iqeavea where Lucifer and the princes of hell were viewed as saviors. One could say the good fate and fortune turned to anguish after the end of the war. A large target was painted on the King’s back. Conspiracies from both the higher-beings and the mortals would come to strike. Cimier, more specifically, Snow, was known as the Crusaders of Kreton. They would often lead wars against the infidels. Their worship to the god was so great he, the great one himself, bestowed upon them a statue from which they could draw power. Around it, a massive Cathedral was built. Arch-Bishop Fiene, a child much like the king; an heir to the powers of Lucifer, began his growth into being the strongest in Konak and arguably Iqeavea.

‘My lord has asked of me to restrain the King of Arda,’ sprinting faster than a bullet, he soon came upon the battlefield.

‘This presence,’ the mountainous avalanche of fighters overwhelmed Courtney and her brother. Being strong didn’t matter – similar to how strong a swimmer might be if a wave was too harsh, he’d most often drown and buckle. *CLANG.* White hair flew back a few meters.

“Holiness,” the army all but knelt at the presence of he who had pushed back Staxius. Grey-hair, grey eyes, a well-tailored robe fitted for battle. Two swords rested on the back in an ‘X’ shape. The crest of Kreston was engraved on his glabella.

“Raise your head,” he lifted a hand. The sharp-jawline’s contrast against the long almost feminine hair was beautiful. In all the sense of the word, the man was pretty.

“Holiness, please, slaughter the infidel for he has slain many of our companions!” And so, the emphasis was placed atop the dead bodies. Noise from the right and left grew to naught.

*Once living now dead. O’ thee who’ve lost thine line to mine blade, thee who held regrets in the mortal world, I grant thee a chance at life. Be one with those who are to serve me, Blood-Arts: Ghoul Revival* an abyssal whirlwind, unknown to most, swallowed those defeated bringing the amount to around 28,000 ghouls residing inside the Shadow Realm.

“éclair,” spoke he softly, “-have the VT10-BSQD take-off and aim for the General’s headquarters. Don’t fly above us, take the long route, be discreet.”


“Who the hell are you?” asked Courtney with sword drawn in the distance.

“Arch-Bishop Lupher Fiene Combold of the Kreton Church else known as the Luciferian Cult.”

“Lupher Combold?” returned she with a dense and powerful stare, “-what is your business here?”

“To fight,” he smirked, “-Is that not obvious,” not even a blink later, the swords drawn to aim at her neck and heart. *Clang,* the impact cracked the ground into a smokescreen.

“I’m impressed,” said he tilting the head gently, “-I must say tis the first I’ve seen someone block my attack.”

“You call that blocking?” she spewed blood, “-how very much insulting,” a deep cut severed her arms and the other barely stopped the horizontal strike at her head.

“No matter, I have no interest in dealing with you,” the mouth moved to her suddenly kneel. A semi-transparent hemisphere conjured forth chains. Her arms and legs were bound and forced to stare up. Soon, swords materialized to relentlessly pierce her vital spots. No scream came, she but laid without emotion. The weapons kept on killing over and over again.

“About you then,” the figure vanished, “-I’m flattered to meet the well-decorated King of Arda,” he appeared behind with arms wrapped around the king in a hug. “Heir to the Death Reaper. I’m Heir to Lucifer, one of the four princes of hell.”

“Why are you here?”

“Didn’t you know? Cleopatra was sent to see if you bore Kronos’s symbol of power. I’m very much pleased to see it wasn’t a waste of time.”

“Cleopatra you say,” no emotions came.

“Come on, don’t give me that look. I’m acting per orders of my lord,” he let go and moved forward.

“What’s happening?” Intherna’s bunch arrived soon after the explosion.

“This pressure,” a colossal aura of perpetual anger and hate had created a type of barrier.

“It’s him,” laughed Cleopatra now on horseback, “-the heir of Lucifer is here.”

“This is too much,” commented Intherna, “-do you sense that power?”

“Yeah, I know,” said Gophy disappoint at staring her master, “-Our leader is in big trouble.”

“The gods have allied with the demons to take him down,” sighed Miira lowering her head,”-it wouldn’t have happened if Lord Scifer was here. They killed him and now the next inheritor. Why go through so much trouble?”

“Didn’t I say it earlier?” shrugged the spy.

“Cleopatra, you best shut it,” gritted Gophy, “-I’ve had just about enough with thine mouth.”

“No need to take out thy rage upon me,” with a humph, she galloped to be closer to Lupher.

‘Gophy, Intherna, and Miira are exhausted by their fight. Their aura is at the breaking point. Unless I willingly release their constraint, they’ll be of no help,’ he glanced westward, ‘-if they step onto this battlefield, I’m sure they’ll be defeated like Courtney. It’s obvious, this person isn’t human nor god. Courtney is just as powerful as I am, and with her ending in such a state, there’s no doubting his strength.’

“I honestly thought the man who had done my lord so much harm would have some backbone. Come on, King Staxius, don’t you want to taste my blade?” the pride and confidence were real.

“Can you truly say that without being able to defeat my protector?” returned Staxius blankly.

“What do you mean, can you not see?” he turned, “-the lady has been impri-”

“Mind thy tongue,” a sword pressed against his neck, “-the spell sure was a nice addition,” said she with a deadly expression. The scars of injury healed, the blood of the latter remained atop her cheeks and neck.

“Color me impressed,” unhinged by her slowly adding pressure, “-never figured you to come alive so quickly. Tis was but a game.”

“You piss me off,” her feet dug into the ground, “-why can’t I slay you?” the blade halted as if a shield protecting the man.

“Don’t you know,” the aura dropped, “-only a god-slaying weapon can slay a god?” *SMACK,* her body broke the outpost up the hill to then disappear.

“Now then, Lord Death?” facing the opponent once more, the King stood with three guardians at his side.

“More lackeys?” a sigh followed by a spat.

“No,” said he walking forth, “-I’ll gladly fight you.”

“MASTER!” voiced Miira.

“No room to argue, return to the Shadow Realm.” The orders were harsh, and they did so with shame. ‘Sorry, my companions but the puppet bodies might break if thee overdo it. I rather not see the soul disappear into dust.’ Eyes on the target ahead, a touch revealed the concealed blade. ‘I’m glad I brought you along.’

“A fight, do entertain me,” he leaped to be at a good distance.

‘Orenmir,’ merely grabbing the handle had the damning screams of the fallen lash.

*Woosh,* the first strike from each was countered with the sound of the ground breaking. It went on far as would an earthquake. Deadlocked, Lupher drew the second blade and aimed for the jugular. Noticing the intent, Staxius dodged to have the tip meet his neck. Thus, on an unbalanced posture, *Death Element: Void Flame – Fireblast,* the explosion gave time to readjust. However, the heir to Lucifer didn’t stand ideally – being faster, he dashed into Staxius’s blind spot to instantly pierce the heart from the back.

In the motions of falling, Lupher lowered his guard for he had won. *Woosh* the long blade twirled with the king and slashed Lupher’s cheeks. Astounded by his own blood, he jumped with ire and the full-intent of ending the battle. The fighting from then only intensified. It had been the first in a long while that an opponent was strong, demonically strong. The strength needed to even have a scratch on Lupher was the same as bending a coin with one’s thumb and index. Each strike, each attack would most often glide along the body.

Meanwhile, far, far away from the battlefield of Elendor and towards Hidros. Eira awoke from her nap to be suddenly standing inside the Library of Qhildir.

“My lord, what is the meaning of this?” asked she scanning the strange faces of the new guests. A man with blond hair and another with a yellower shade. One bore a halo whilst the other had horns.

“Eira, my dearest Heir, please meet the Supreme God Zeus and the Prince of Hell, Lucifer.”

“My apologies,” her head bowed, “-I didn’t mean disrespect.”

“No worries child,” smiled Lucifer, “-are you the Librarian of Nexsolium?”

“Yes, my lord,” said she still staring at the floor.

“I’ve heard you deciphered the Book of Divine Arkna?”

“Yes, I did so on behalf of my lord Qhildir.”

“Very impressive,” added Lucifer with charm and class, the way the lashes fluttered was heart pounding.

“No, my lord, tis not the whole story,” she interjected, “-I’ve deciphered the passages to no avail. I can perform the spells but not write on paper. I tried to speak the words...”


“Though it came out as nothing but useless noises,” said Qhildir. “Arkna’s a tricky book to open let alone decipher and use. She’ll be most useful in the flesh, sire.”

“Very well,” nodded Zeus, “-Librarian of Nexsolium, in no way are thee to refute our orders, have I made myself clear?”

“Please, Supreme god, there isn’t a need to be so harsh on the girl,” interjected the chivalrous Lucifer, “-would you kindly do as we say?”

“Yes, my lord,” her cheeks unwillingly blushed hard.

Cracks here, holes there, craters over yonder, the forest and hill alike became the duel arena. Lupher stood with little injuries while Staxius barely had time to breathe. The symbol of Nike activated – the wings had sprawled from the forehead downwards in curly lines. The Hell-gate was opened and yet, no change came onto the battlefield.

“Here they come,” smiled Cleopatra, “-Lord Lixbin, look, tis the day he dies

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