The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 520

A side of the heart wanted to jump and scream. Another wanted to breakdown and cry, life’s cruelty knew no bounds. Jen’s recovery came as a mere token of luck, Anna’s deadly degrading of her health spun more into the minds. When against joy or despair, the deciding faction of which will win the battle is based and results from prior experiences. Pessimism ran cold in the blood – and so, opposed to wishing a friend good recovery, they resorted to questioning how or what to feel.

“I’ll take Jen to her room,” said Leonard. The empty corridor trembled at the sound of medical staff. Another mortally wounded patient was brought as the operation room laid in around the vicinity.

“Alright,” returned Rena emptily, “-we’ll see you later,” the fatigued waves and sinking glances told more than words ever could. Lampard and Rena were getting readied for the worst. A nurse arrived moments ago, shook her heads at a visiting doctor, then left. The new case took precedence over hers.

“What should we do?” asked Lampard dropping onto a curved metal chair riddled by tiny holes.

“We should really call everyone,” said she focusing on slightly tinted glass.

“Call everyone...” the hands crossed in prayer; “-I don’t want to bear such a burden. She’s still alive, god shuns us for thinking otherwise.”


“I didn’t mean it that way,” she moved closer, “-I just wanted to let everyone know and prepare,” they turned to the grieving family, the old man passed away. Attempts at reviving ended in naught, the lady broke onto her husband’s knees. He bent to comfort her with few warm pats down the back.

“Sad,” voiced Rena with a drop slipping past her eyelashes, “-will Anna?” she sought answers.

“Don’t,” the head moved in refusal, “-don’t look at me like that,” he moved back, her pupils felt deeper, the nose chimed into slightly more reddish color, the earlobes matched as well.

‘Don’t die on me,’ thought he speeding along the large and empty roads of Rotherham, the noise echoed as the howl of a famine beast. The crescent moon followed to be the backdrop of the tall officers. “éclair, who’s on staff and who’s not?” he dove to a stumble, “-give me a list of the available doctors on call.”

“I can’t do that,” said he, “-don’t interfere with the hospital. Tis a sacred place, I don’t want to put anyone else in potential harm’s way.”

“Don’t worry,” said he moving towards Anna’s room, “-I don’t plan on impeding onto anyone else’s territory. Have you forgotten what my name is?”

“-Hey, hey,” hailed a guard, “-where are you running off too?”

“To save a friend,” returned he, “-my name’s Igna Haggard,” flashing the signet ring, “-do call onto Lady Elvira for more details, hell, reach out to my lady mother. I’ll be with you shortly,” dusting the man aside, ‘-no time to waste on you people,’ the sleeves rolled hastily. ‘The curse of monsters,’ the closer he got, the faster the heart raced, ‘-never felt this nervous when treating people before.’

“Igna,” flashed éclair, “-here’s a list of available information on the monster curse as well as traditional ways to treat ailments. I doubt you had the time to revise what a trained doctor had over the years of hibernation.”

“No need to tease about it.”

Two figures buried their heads before the daunting sight of woeness, no medical staff were around the room labeled 043. ‘Rena, Lampard?’

“Hey, are you guys alright?” inquired Igna tapping their shoulders.

“Could be better,” said Lampard raising his head, “-no way...”

“No way?” he frowned, “-Rena, good to see you’re doing well after the incident.”

“Why are you here,” pressed Lampard, “-I thought you were in Plaustan?”

“Dude,” said he in a relaxed tone, “-I heard Anna’s in trouble, there’s no chance she’ll survive.”

“We know that,” said Rena softly, “-there’s no need to rub it in.”

“Whatever,” he spun, “-Anna here is my roommate. I won’t let anything happen to her,” he made for the handle.

“Stop,” interjected Leonard, “-don’t go in there, it’s contagious,” said he holding Igna’s arms.

“Don’t care,” he glared back, “-I’ll handle it from here on.”

“Wait!” voiced Rena, “-what can you do?”

“More than normal doctors can,” he stepped and locked the door, the windows went from tainted to fully black.

“I’ve notified the hospital about the arrival; they think it’s a private visit. The cameras are of no concern,” said éclair emphasizing on the, ‘-you owe me for this,’ undertone.

‘Green hair, the face is similar to Xula,’ thought he, ‘-not similar, there are a few things that don’t match her originally. My memory of Anna isn’t very clear, what’s going on here?’ moving in for a closer look, the lower half of the body turned transparent, ‘-a spirit?’

“Hello,” said she.

“Hello,” returned Igna, “-I rushed as fast as I could, are you doing better?”

“No,” she replied, “-I’m not. Come on,” the face warmed to a familiar expression, “-stop hiding it now, I know you’re Staxius Haggard.”

“People do say I bear resemblance to my uncle,” returned he, “-what’s up with you?”

“Stop changing the subject,” she sat upright, “-it’s me, Prophecy, not Queen Shanna.”

“I do know of a man named Staxius Haggard, he’s dead from what I know. Don’t worry, I can take a message to him if you’d like.”

“I knew it,” said she, “-you’ve reincarnated. I’ll skip the greetings. I knew I sensed it, your mana, it’s almost nonexistent but present. The stench of death in that aura can’t be mistaken. Don’t worry about me,” said she, “-I’m living on borrowed time. This vessel is going to expire. Did me well while it lasted.”

“Why go through all that trouble?”

“It’s a long story...”

“Try me,” said he taking a seat, “-you’re on borrowed time?”

“Preoccupied with that are we now?” she pained into a half-smile.

“Hold on a moment-”

*Heed me, o’ demon swore as mine vassal in trying time. I, Igna Haggard, humble inheritor of the Scifer’s domain call on thee to manifest before me.*

“-there we go!” the lights twinkled into a small portal.

“You asked for me?” hovered a tiny entity, “-sure been fast.”

“Need a favor,” said he, “-can you bestow her with mana?”

“How much?” she stood onto Anna’s legs.

“Fill the tank?” shrugged he.

“Your wish is my command,” five hovering orbs conjured various symbols above the patient’s head. “Done,” she pressed her arms against Anna’s flesh – a molten-like stream went up to her body towards the forehead. There, as if a magnet, the symbols plastered to almost engrave themselves. “-Not full tank,” said Kul stretching her arms, “-I gave the boon of mana regeneration, she’ll be fine as long as the mana doesn’t go below a certain amount.”

“Thanks for the help,” he held out a high-five.

“No problem,” the clap didn’t make much sound.

The flickering stopped, “-now you,” said he narrowing the eyes, “-let me guess,” he laughed, “-was this supposed to be the last goodbye before ending into the abyss?”

“Yeah,” she looked on in embarrassment, “-how?”

“I can’t use magic anymore,” he shrugged, “-in case that you were human, I’d have used Kul as the catalyst for the exorcism. Imagine taking away evil by evil, what a world. Now then, take time and recount everything, bear in mind, I don’t promise to help or intervene.”

“Should have expected this from you, going against the flow as usual,” a pause set the mood, her body solidified, the mana lost recuperated. “I’m not a member of the Queen’s inner circle anymore. I’m both Prophecy and not, she ousted me after I tried to speak on the matter of your disappearance. Princess Eira is directly involved, I gathered much from the spreading rumors. Well, a year after you went missing, a certain man came into the Royal capital demanding an audience with Princess Eira. The Queen didn’t allow so and sought fit to speak to him first. The meeting itself is foreign to me even though I remember being there. He’s beyond the beauty of anyone I’ve seen, there’s an angelic side to him, the way he spoke felt like singing. I had flashbacks of the time you came into the capital for the first time accompanied by the vampire. Nevertheless, the meeting ended, I saw Arda, and the highly uninviting people open up to him like nothing before. From a mere visitor, he climbed the ranks to the point of being her right-hand man. I dare say, and forgive me when I say so, he helped her in the moment of utter grieve. The queen needed someone to rely on; times were rough on her, having to take most of the activities of Arda. Power-hungry nobles and all, some even saw fit to try and force Princess Eira onto the throne as a puppet ruler. Affairs with Alphia as the Federation was like walking on eggshells. We couldn’t risk a war or any conflict,” she exhaled and closed her eyes, “-I’m sorry I have to say this... their relation went beyond advisor and monarch. The charm exuded naturally led to amorous ventures in the sleeping chambers. Yes, it’s not a joke this time. And so, for the coming time I saw and watched as she changed to depend on him more and more. Luckily, power was given to the council of representatives, without majority votes, no harmful policies or actions could be voiced. The Blood-King factions and Guilds take up more than 70%, we’re in the clear. Princess Eira and the Queen are infatuated with this new man, I don’t like him, and when I rose my voice – I was ousted as her guardian spirit. Serene and Lady Haru helped me escape into an ethereal being. Part of me knew king Staxius would come soon, and I was right.”

“Really?” he paused; “-queen Shanna found another partner?”

“Yes, are you shaken by it?”

“No... not really,” the visible disagreement said otherwise.

“I forgot to mention, the man goes by the name Lucifer.”

“Lucifer?” then and there, a string broke, ‘-he’s the one allied with Zeus and that other son of a bitch. They guided my daughter into killing me, and now he’s infiltrated Arda as the next savior...’

“Calm down,” said she, “-it’s disheartening to hear, the queen should have been more careful...”

“No,” the spur of ire calmed by a pair of hands holding his tightly, ‘-this touch...’ no one was around but Anna who hid under the blanket, ‘-something or someone I’ve known for a long time... sets me at ease, what?’

“Remember,” whispered a chilling gust.

“Are you ok?” wondered Anna.

“Yes, I’m fine,” he smiled, “-I’m Igna Haggard, not Staxius. What happens in Arda, Hidros, or the world isn’t related to me, I’m a cook. That life of striving to make the strongest province has long been fulfilled. It’s not a province, but a dynasty. I sought out to make Dorchester great, then came Arda, then Hidros, until the present was taken. My heritage is ever-growing and ever-expanding, the empire I built per the sacrifice and deals with the devil have done me proud. Phantom is a culmination of the old King’s life. You’re Anna Igusta, the best student in the adventuring academy as well as my roommate. I say we bury the past, no one needs to know what happened. If I can accept being betrayed and shoved to the side by my family, surely you can accept starting again?”

“The last two to three years in exile did prove one thing, I have emotions and am more or less human.”

“The spell Kul placed on you will carry on as long as you never go beyond the limit. Even if it so happens, I’m sure a high-level demon can figure out how to bind a legendary weapon.”

“Igna Haggard,” she smiled, “-my roommate, could you please cook me a succulent dish as soon as we return?”

“With pleasure,” they smiled and hugged.

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