The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 787

Alas, the same couldn’t be said overseas, the rough sea bordering Whuotan exclaimed, the north most province of Alphia, monster realm as it happened to be known, was lesser populated by humans. The few military outposts found at precise locations, namely; top of hills and in open planes, had traffic in and out using air travel. Among them stood a small outpost facing the northwest, in the general direction one would take if the destination is the Empire.

Outpost Gree, cloaked behind tall walls and tightly guarded entries, “-another boring day,” said a guardsman patrolling the perimeter.

“I know,” yawned another, “-we’ve been stationed to the recruiting post,” he said, “-the academy warned us about Gree, the fattening pigsty.”

“Don’t take the duty lightly,” added another from the back, “-we may walk along sand paths and look upon an idyllic beach...”

“Stop right there,” they chuckled, “-no more talk,” they wished the days would remain peaceful. Sadly, particularly today, a collapse of power would forever shake the world. Elendor, unbeknownst to anyone, split into two major factions – one led under Queen Ela III and the second, Duke Armstrong of the Duchy of Dreqai.

Vague outlines protruded over the horizon, black shadows and a fleet of planes headed in their direction.


“Upon the honor and sacred will of our God, us, the Church of Lucifer, shall lead a holy crusade upon the cursed land of Alphia. Trusted comrades of the church, and our newly joined guest, Queen Ela, welcome aboard the holy treaty of Demeter, we, servants of his holiness, the pope, shall endeavor to purify the land from the accursed monsters,” the news made headlines, the whole continent had their breaths choked, the imperial family, unable to act, watched from their remote palace. Footage of total massacre carried weight to the military of Alphia, large motherships, floating cities, carried planes of which struck hard onto the Northmost outpost.

A silent evening fills with the sound of chaos and destruction. Mushroom clouds levied land and toppled cities, the very few survivors were massacred, “-Gree to headquarters. Time reads 17:43, we’re being invaded by the holy faction, they’ve yet to send messages, we reques-” nothing save static. Communication was lost and Whuotan went dark.

“Emperor Sultria,” hurried officials through the jarring roads on the face of Mount Lige, an observatory made underground military base. The military faction of Alphia suffered a rude awakening. A roundtable of the Empire’s top personal sat with hallowed glances and slouched shoulders, “-the reports are here,” said a military man, “-please read so in due time, for now, focus on the screen,” he pointed aided by a baton, “-the northern province has been lost. Connection to the area governed under Gree is dark. We asked our ambassadors to contact the Wracian’s leadership to no avail. They were evicted from their buildings and are on a flight home. Those at the Wracian embassy have also fled the country.”

‘The power balance,’ reflected the emperor, ‘-the Federation is shaky, what’s happened?’ his personal screen flashed to a few messages. A summary of recent events was told and correspondence with the scouting regiment gave immediate feedback. A force of three thousand was dispatched from Dostein and Subrea.

“My liege,” said a commanding voice, “-may we have thy opinion on the matter?”

“What is there to discuss?” he said in a slightly annoyed tone, “-war,” he said, “-war is upon us. The church, righteous as they seem, took the liberty to attack without warning. Such are the ways of greedy and self-righteous groups. General Rozemal, I grant the authority to call in the special Sultrian unit. Show the world how scary our army is,” he smirked.

“Right on,” he rose from the seat, “-gentlemen, we’re in a state of crisis. Our first most concern is the safety of the people. Give the evacuation order, the military will be controlling the northern borders.”

“I will gather the noble factions and ask for their troops,” said a slightly hunched, small man. An impression of mere minutes hid the truth, a glance at the watch and a daring heaviness in the eyelids, ‘-midnight,’ said the emperor sat in the comfort of an office, no windows, sterile and on edge. The corridors sang the song of a thousand steps. He faced the screen and thought harshly. A single statement came from the Empire, “-upon the honor and sacred will of our god, us, the Church of Lucifer, shall lead a holy crusade upon the cursed land of Alphia. Trusted comrades of the church, and our newly joined guest, Queen Ela, welcome aboard the holy treaty of Demeter, we, servants of his holiness, the pope, shall endeavor to purify the land from the accursed monsters.”

“What do they want?” he lounged in his chair, the news dissipated among the people, panic of the unknown locked roads and blocked public transport. Flights overseas were at an all-time high, with Alphia’s economy, everyone had the means to take a ticket and run, the airports were jammed.

Time 23:50, an advance scouting party reached a hideous battlefield. The greenish glaze cast upon their night vision goggles barely gave details of true devastation. Ships boarded the beach; the Church had touched ground and made their headquarters. Muffled shots whistled through the trees, “-sniper,” cried the intercoms.

“Five dead, location unknown.”

“Stay in cover people.”

A massive flash of light blinded their vision, “-good day gentleman,” said a lady wrapped in a black dress, “-sadly, the church doesn’t like people spying on them,” she said with a sadistic smile, “-do allow me to guide thee to the afterlife,” she flicked her weapon upward, a scythe twice her size, and rampaged through, people, trees, it didn’t matter, they were sliced effortlessly. “-I love it,” she said standing before the bodies, “-the sensation of souls passing through,” her legs closed, her long fingers wrapped the weapon suggestively, “-I love it.”

The next day arrived, the emperor stood before the world and spoke, “-we were assaulted and had our land invaded by the Church of Lucifer. Alphia isn’t a place to discriminate and judge one’s belief, we pride ourselves in being inclusive. Events of yesterday have forced our hands to take up arms. We’re going to war against the Wracia Empire, to my people, I ask forgiveness, I should have had the foresight to stop any flickers,” the painfully regrettable expression firmed up on the cameras, staring deeply into the onlooker’s soul, “-there’s no winning in war, only death, and destruction. To protect my trusted people, we will take to the battlefield and push back the attackers, such as a promise, we will regain our continent!”

“Have you seen the news?” muffled throughout the cafeteria. Celina sat in the company of Elm and Ewi, the whole aura tensed.

‘Brother,’ her tea steamed, ‘-will we be ok?’

*Yawn,* the eyelids opened underneath the shadow of a great tree, ‘-did I spend the night outside?’ he sat upright, the dew-filled grass forced sneeze and a runny nose. Rezolia’s park, many visitors threw suspicious looks in his direction on their morning walks and jogs. The outline of the tall-city scape waved through the spotted foliage, ‘-my phone,’ he thought and searched through the many pockets. ‘-there it is,’ it toggled, ‘-what?’ the sleepiness vanished, ‘-so many miss calls... from Julius, a private number, and Big sister, what the hell happened?’ the head shook a few to scare the sleepiness away, ‘-the lens and earrings are out of power. Well, the noble district is half-an-hour away, I’ll just take the bus.’ And he did so, unknowing to the terror weighing heavy on their asylum. Public opinion on the Apexi situation dipped heavily in favor of the opposing faction. The newest addition to, ‘-my little secret,’ hosted Baron Esteballe Denlord, the man who couldn’t keep from the spotlight. The narrative of his story was built on the basis of injustice and corruption – he took massively from the trial of his son and Igna Haggard, used so to paint a greater picture concerning the Haggard dynasty. An interview couldn’t have caused much damage, and in a way, it wouldn’t have, not until a truly disturbing image flew around the Arcanum. A line of idols, loved by the continent and people, were forced into giving their bodies to the higherups at Apexi. Many faces were recognized as the members of the board, the public wanted retribution and the humiliated idols were shortly dismissed from Apexi, choosing to side with Leina of Alphia. The branch agency made waves; the people revered them to godlike status.

“We have lost,” pitied Julius inside a decrypted empty office, “-many staff members have left their posts after the new information.”

“Isn’t there anything we can do?” inquired Serene.

He buried his face in his palms, “-there isn’t. The A.N.C and R.E.I.S have gained the upper hand; the royal court has issued the warrant to conduct a full audit of our spending. If they dig far enough, we’re doomed.”

Misfortune hadn’t stopped there either, “-Underground human trafficking ring uncovered,” read a news headline, “-the Anti-Narco unit have uncovered and dismantled an operation of trafficking which has plagued our country for long. The Dark Guild is attached to the arrested individuals; countless women and demi-humans were freed and many lives were lost. The current rulership has taken grandly to clean the trash from our continent,” the play forced many high-ranking entities to run for cover. Without further knowledge, Cimier, more precisely, the branch organization operating within the empire, Snow, launched an attack at the northern, D.G-controlled port.

Shots echoed from the southern-hill side, “-we’re under attack,” said the driver. The last convoy hailing from inside the continent was ambushed at Eriko mountain pass, the forward vehicles were shot and toppled down the slope. The short gunfight obliterated the D.G’s forces. “Right on people, let’s move out,” the driver resumed.

A few hours later, “-open the gates,” cried a watcher. The trucks drove and pulled into a remote warehouse.

“Another boring day of lifting loads,” complained a worker.

“I know,” returned another, the place was large and empty save the convoy, “-look at it this way, today’s the last batch we’ll ever lift,” they laughed.

“What’s the bullet holes,” inquired a suited man carefully noting information, “-have I seen you before?” he closed on the driver.

“This?” he replied, “-well, can’t be helped,” *bang,* the backdoor barged opened.

“The classics are worth the try,” cheered the attackers, bodies fell left and right, “-the trojan horse.”

“WE’RE UNDER ATTACK,” rang the alarm, the port shuddered, “-everyone, to the warehouse,” shouted the supervisors. They turned attention away from the sea, a fatal move, silently black speed boats boarded in a back-stab, in the end, the port was conquered effortlessly.

A collective attack, Alphia, Apexi, and now, the Dark Guild. The greatest fall had yet to smile, by the time Igna reached the noble-house at the Noble District, Arda suffered a massive blow. PMC of alliance to Elendor snuck from the north, using momentum from the conquest of the port, carefully avoided Noctis’s Hallow, marked the exact location of Glenda, and sent said information to headquarters.

The day was nice, gentle, and easy on the commoner’s life, “-mother, look,” pointed a child walking away from the town, “-a plane,” he said with a chipper tone.

“A plane?” the mother turned, and *BOOM,* the town levied in smokes, the ears rang, “mother,” cried the boy, “-mother...”

“HELP US!” screamed the survivors. In wake of the attack, a barrier rose above the critically broken townscape; rubbles fell upon bystanders, some burnt, others disfigured, and many, instant death.

“Operation Collapse is a success.”

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